Actress Olivia Munn, famous for appearing in films such as ‘X-Men: Apocalypse’, revealed that she recently underwent a radical hysterectomy as part of her fight against breast cancer.

It was last March when she made public that the disease was diagnosed, to her great surprise, in April 2023.

To eradicate the condition, the star had both breasts removed: “It was much more difficult than I expected,” she confessed to People.

Olivia Munn had her womb removed for this reason

Olivia Munn spoke to US Vogue about the battle she has faced since discovering she had luminal B breast cancer, an “aggressive, fast-moving cancer.”

In addition to removing all of her breast tissue, she explained, her doctors determined that she should begin hormone suppression therapy.

With such a measure, Munn’s ovaries would stop producing estrogen, which ‘feeds’ luminal B breast cancer, and her body would enter menopause, thus reducing future risk.

However, with this treatment the actress lost all her energy and spent her time in bed: “It was debilitating exhaustion on another level.”

Olivia didn’t like that, because her son, Malcolm, realized it. So she asked experts if there were any alternatives to medication, which led her to go back into the operating room last month.

“Now I had an oophorectomy and a hysterectomy. “They removed my uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries,” he confessed.

She did not come to this choice lightly, as it would mean she would not be able to have children naturally later, but it was the most advisable thing to do.

“It was a big decision to make, but it was the best one for me because I needed to be present for my family,” he argued.

“There were friends who tried to cheer me up by telling me: ‘Malcolm is not going to remember this. Don’t worry,’” he recalled.

“But I kept thinking to myself: ‘He’s going to remember this, that I’ve missed all these things.’ “It is your childhood, but it is my motherhood, and I do not want to miss any of these parts if it is not necessary,” he indicated.

Olivia Munn panicked after surgery

Olivia Munn admitted that the days after the procedure were painful and that she was also emotionally impacted.

“I had a real moment of panic. A real collapse. Because it’s so strange when you’ve been in this body your whole life, you’ve had menstruation for so long, you feel when you’re ovulating, and suddenly it’s gone,” she said.

The model announced that, together with her partner, actor John Mulaney, they underwent a fertility procedure, so they have “two healthy embryos” thanks to which they could have more children whenever they want.

Marta Guzman Instagram / Meznivel


Several celebrities have opened up about the pain, hopelessness, uncertainty and more emotions and ups and downs that you experience when you suffer from cancer.

Credit: Marta Guzman Instagram / Meznivel


Play the video to meet some celebrities who have survived breast cancer.


Cancer is challenging on its own, and to it are added the side effects of the treatments with which it is combated, such as chemotherapy, whose medications usually affect the hair follicles of the scalp – where hair is born –, which causes loss. of the hair both in sections or completely.

Credit: Mixheat

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Given this scenario, some celebrities have ventured to show their appearance after hair loss and thus give us powerful messages.

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Lorena Meritano Instagram


#1 Lorena Meritano The ‘Pasión de Gavilanes’ actress has been very transparent with her fight against cancer, which was diagnosed in 2014.

Credit: Lorena Meritano Instagram

Lorena Meritano Instagram


His journey with this disease was captured in a book titled ‘Survivor’. As well as in photographs that he has shared on social networks, several of them with his head without hair.

Credit: Lorena Meritano Instagram

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Lorena Meritano Instagram


Added to these images are photos of her scars on her breasts, marks left after several surgeries she underwent such as masectomies.

Credit: Lorena Meritano Instagram


Watch the video and meet more famous people who shamelessly and proudly show off their scars, amputations and more.

Instagram Lorena Meritano


Sharing these photos is one way Meritano seeks to raise awareness about cancer

Credit: Instagram Lorena Meritano

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Instagram Lorena Meritano


“Cancer destroys, it makes you suffer, it is terrifying but detected in time there is a possibility of accepting it, leaving the disease to the doctors, listening to them and asking for help to be able to face the fears, pain, losses and suffering with therapeutic tools,” he wrote in his Instagram.

Credit: Instagram Lorena Meritano


#2 Marta Guzmán In January 2022, the former host of ‘Primero Noticias’, revealed in the program ‘Chismorreo’ that at the end of 2021 she underwent surgery to remove a tumor from one of her breasts. After this operation she had to undergo chemotherapy.

Credit: Marta Guzmán Instagram


Almost three months after this announcement, Marta posted a photo of herself without hair and explained that once her hair loss started, in three days she lost it all.

Credit: Marta Guzmán Instagram

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“I said goodbye to my hair since last February 15, since seeing how it was falling out little by little, I don’t deny it, made me feel sad. “I decided to shave my head when my hair started to fall out,” she wrote in the text that accompanied the image.

Credit: Marta Guzmán Instagram


The driver also took the opportunity to share some of the symptoms she has experienced. “Skin sores, bruised nails, sensitive and white tongue, watery eyes, tiredness, hot flashes, dizziness and all the ailments you may feel, pass so that breast cancer never returns,” she explained.

Credit: Marta Guzmán Instagram


#3 Edith González The renowned soap opera actress was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in 2016, a disease that unfortunately took her life in 2019.

Credit: The Grosby Group

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However, during her time fighting cancer, Edith distinguished herself for her optimistic attitude and the way she embraced the changes in her body, such as appearing hairless on red carpets and magazine covers like ‘Who’.

Credit: Mixheat

Edith González Instagram


Faced with the effects of chemo, González decided to shave her head and show off her beauty like this; since, at the time, oncological wigs were not so easily accessible, as he explained on Javier Poza’s radio program.

Credit: Edith González Instagram

Edith González Instagram


“Oncological wigs are very expensive, they are specialized wigs with specialized technology. My neck started to bleed because mine was a semi-oncological wig,” she said.

Credit: Edith González Instagram

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Although Edith González lost her battle against cancer, her legacy remains present in her loved ones such as her daughter. Play the video and see the message that Constanza gave that would make her late mother proud.


#4 Rebecca Jones At the end of January 2018, the ‘Cradle of Wolves’ actress began her fight against ovarian cancer.

Credit: Mixheat


Rebecca Jones

Credit: Rebecca Jones/Instagram

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“It is important for women to know that hair, that which is difficult for us to get rid of, which is like our head clothing or our personality in many cases, should not be seen that way. “You have to embrace life before any piece of hair,” she explained for this publication.

Credit: Rebecca Jones/Instagram


Jones accepted that it was difficult for him to see himself without hair or eyebrows. However, the illness showed him that this was the least of it. “That doesn’t matter and when you appreciate being able to get up and that your legs still work, that your voice, that your senses work, I swear that your hair comes last,” he said.

Credit: Rebecca Jones Instagram


#5 Shannen Doherty The ‘Charmed’ actress was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2015. After several treatments to avoid undergoing a masectomy, Doherty could not avoid this operation, which was followed by chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

Credit: The Associated Press

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These treatments led her to suffer hair loss, which finally convinced her to shave her head with the help of a friend, who managed to make the bitter pill not so overwhelming.

Credit: instagram

Shannen Doherty Instagram


“Even though I’m laughing (mostly because she always makes me laugh) you can clearly see how sad I am… I will always remember this moment and my brave and loving friend who was there no matter what,” Shannen wrote on her Instagram.

Credit: Shannen Doherty Instagram

Shannen Doherty Instagram


During his fight against cancer, Doherty shared several photos of his hairless head, like this one with which he remembered the morning of October 7, 2016, the last day of chemotherapy.

Credit: Shannen Doherty Instagram