Author: admin


MENTAL HEALTH IN SUMMER | How does summer impact our mental health? This is what Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is like

There are many studies that support thatCitizens of countries with more sunny days have fewer…

A network of experts calls for a social approach to mental health

In the mental health building there are not only doctors. There are certainly doctors, and…

20% of cancer treatments are no longer funded

Ministry of Health Treatments for acute lymphoblastic leukemia have…

MENTAL HEALTH | Carmen Romero and her brother’s suicide

La periodista y cómica Carmen Romero conocida por sus vídeos cortos siempre en un tono…

MENTAL HEALTH | Carmen Romero and her brother’s suicide

The journalist and comedian Carmen Romero known for her short videos always in a serious…

12,000 cases of head and neck cancer are diagnosed each year

Specialist in Medical Oncology at the La Princesa University Hospital …

Head and Neck Cancer Day: Symptoms, Treatments, and 5 Risk Factors That Can Be Modified

This July 27th marks World Head and Neck Cancer Day (Freepik)Medical science calls Head and…

Some of the food goes down my throat; sometimes I’m close to choking.

Pedro Pramo is 69 years old and in 2016 he was diagnosed with head and…

From Carabanchel to Geneva by bicycle to ask for more doctors at the Abrantes health centre | News from Madrid

Carabanchel is pedalling to keep the Abrantes health centre from collapsing. This Friday, a cycling…

Predictions for health, love and money

Get to know sign by sign What does your horoscope have in store for you…