Tag: mental


Is Olympic sport good for mental health?

Ana Ibañez She has two complementary professional qualities: she is a psychiatrist at the Germans…

There is no freedom for people with mental health problems without public guarantees

WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 127549 [post_author] => 2 [post_date] => 2024-07-23 09:50:08…

ICAM breaks the taboo of mental health in the legal sector – El Derecho

The 1st Study on the mental health of Madrid lawyers, prepared by the Madrid Bar…

How does it affect mental health and how does the order of your bedroom affect it?

37% of the Spanish population suffers from some type of problem mental healthAccording to data…

How does it affect mental health and how does the order of your bedroom affect it?

07/22/2024 at 04:01 CEST 37% of the Spanish population suffers from some type of problem…

How to promote mental health at work

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Labor Organization (ILO), Psychological problems…

Algorithms and mental health, the psychological complexities that they can produce in children and adolescents

Exposure to idealized bodies on social media sets unattainable standards of beauty and success, negatively…

Algorithms and mental health, the psychological complexities that they can produce in children and adolescents

Exposure to idealized bodies on social media sets unattainable standards of beauty and success, negatively…

The “bikini operation” puts mental health at risk

Greater bodily exposure or changes in routines or social plans that involve food influence the…

An open debate on mental health and its disorders

public.es After decades of near-absence, mental health has once again taken an important place in…