It is estimated that In Spain between 33 and 43 percent of the population over 18 years of age suffers arterial hypertension. A real danger to health that we often live with without even knowing it.

And it is that One of the characteristics of this pathology is that it does not cause symptoms or discomfort.until it shows its face either through a routine tension measurement or when it causes serious consequences such as kidney, brain or cardiovascular diseases, such as heart attacks or strokes.

We talk about an easily preventable problem by simply changing or introducing some healthy lifestyle habits such as quitting smoking, following a balanced and healthy diet, maintaining a correct weight, controlling stress, doing physical exercise.

And it is with respect to this last point that a study carried out by Chinese healthcare workers, recently published in Jama Network, refers, which reveals what the most effective physical exercise to prevent hypertension: Tai Chi.

More effective than aerobic exercise

There are more and more scientific evidence that the realization of physical exercise It is very effective when it comes to reduce blood pressure levels, both hypertension (have a systolic pressure between 140-159 mm Hg and/or diastolic pressure between 90-99 mm Hg), such as prehypertension (systolic 120 to 139 mm Hg and/or diastolic 80 to 89 mm Hg).

AND One of the most prescribed exercises for these patients is aerobic exercise.

The problem is that these types of activities have many limitations such as the space where they can be carried out, the age of some of the patients, the joint damage that could occur…

For this reason, the researchers decided to analyze whether traditional Chinese exercise could provide the same benefits as aerobic exercise.

  • Tai Chi is a way to exercise both the mind and the body and has been shown to improve the balance of the people who perform it, as well as their cardiovascular and respiratory function.

An activity nicer in many cases for the person and that, in addition, entails a less joint impact.

Thus, they analyzed 342 patients between 18 and 65 years old who suffered from prehypertension and who were divided into two groups to begin Tai Chi training and aerobic exercise respectively.

The program consisted of 4 sessions per week for 12 months and each session was made up of 10 minutes of warm-up, 40 of exercises and 10 of stretching.

Yang-style Tai Chi consists of 24 standard movements, while in aerobic exercise participants performed activities such as climbing stairs, jogging, brisk walking and cycling.

  • Well, after analyzing the tension levels of the participants, The results showed how Tai Chi reduced blood pressure more effectively after 12 weeks, 9 months or 12 months of intervention.

Specifically, the group of participants with prehypertension who performed the 24 movements that make up the typically Chinese exercise saw their systolic blood pressure reduced by 2.40 mm Hg more than those who practiced the aerobic exercise tables.

A safe and easy exercise to practice

Given these data, and although aerobic physical exercises are also valid to prevent hypertension, Researchers consider Tai Chi a safe and effective exercise for reducing and preventing high blood pressure.

And, as the researchers explain:

  • Tai Chi is suitable for people of all ages and physical conditions to practice.”.

Furthermore, it is an easy activity to carry out and introduce in community environments and that It has many other health benefits, such as improving body flexibility, balance and cardiopulmonary function while reducing the risk of falls.

Tai Chi movements They can be easily learned and performed by people of all ages and health conditions, even those in their 90s, in wheelchairs or who are bedridden.