The hypertensioncommonly known as high blood pressure, is one of the main causes of early death in the world, as it is considered a risk factor for development of cardiovascular diseases, strokes, chronic kidney disease and other serious complications. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), About 1.28 billion adults (between 30 and 79 years old) suffer from this condition.

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“High blood pressure is a chronic disease in which the pressure exerted by blood against the walls of the arteries is persistently high. Definitely, This condition can be dangerous if not well controlled, since it can cause progressive damage to blood vessels and some important organs, such as the heart, kidneys, brain and eyes. Specifically, this pathology is referred to when the blood pressure in our blood vessels is too high, specifically, when the systolic pressure (when the heart beats) is 140 millimeters of mercury (mmHg) or more and the diastolic pressure (when the heart is at rest between beats) is 90 mmHg or more. Basically, the sedentary lifestyle, chronic stress, alcohol and tobacco consumption, as well as a diet high in sodium and saturated fats, are factors that “can increase the risk of developing this disease,” said Isabel Ríos, nutritionist at the International Wellness Clinic.

Various studies have shown that diet plays a crucial role in the development and control of high blood pressure. As the nutritionist highlighted, consuming large amounts of salt can raise blood pressure, while eating a wide variety of balanced and healthy foods can help reduce and regulate it.

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“The WHO recommends consuming a maximum of 2 grams of sodium per day, which is equivalent to a teaspoon of salt; However, according to the Dietary Guidelines for the Peruvian Population, our current average intake is 7 grams of sodium, notably exceeding what is proposed by the WHO. thus increasing the risk of Peruvians suffering from hypertension. For this reason, a healthy diet is a fundamental part of the treatment, as it also reduces the risk of complications of this condition, such as coronary heart disease, which is due to the accumulation of plaque in the arteries due to the increase in cholesterol and triglycerides that “They can cause a stroke.”

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Likewise, as Karen Velásquez Pérez, nutrition coordinator at the Ricardo Palma Clinic, mentioned a few years ago, specifically, in the 1990s, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) of the United States, They developed a meal plan, called the DASH diet (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension), with the aim of preventing and controlling hypertension.

“This diet focuses on the consumption of healthy foods that are low in sodium and rich in essential nutrients, such as potassium, calcium, magnesium and fiber, thus proving that it effectively helps lower blood pressure. Likewise, favors the reduction of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels (LDL) or also known as “bad” cholesterol, improving heart health. Furthermore, being a balanced diet rich in nutrients, it helps to lose and maintain weight, which is extremely important, since both overweight and obesity can be factors that increase the prevalence of suffering from hypertension and other diseases. Chronicles”.

Basically, as the expert from the International Clinic specified, this type of Dietary scheme prioritizes the consumption of the following foods rich in potassium, magnesium and calcium:

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“Likewise, you can include foods such as blueberries, thanks to their high content of anthocyanins that promote heart health, lemon for be rich in antioxidants that help relax blood vessels, Just as the potato is characterized by its large amounts of potassium and magnesium. Likewise, chocolate with 70% to 85% cocoa is ideal for its contribution of flavonoids that produce vasodilation. In addition, the DASH diet emphasizes the use of healthy fats, which we can not only find in nuts and seeds, but also in vegetable oils, such as olive oil,” explained Velásquez Pérez.

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He main pillar of nutrition in hypertensive patients and in general, for all types of eating plans, it is the reducing sodium intake. Therefore, it is suggested that its consumption be less than 2,300 mg per day, however, for those with hypertensionthe recommendation is 1,500 mg daily.

“Therefore, it is important to limit the addition of salt in the kitchen and at the table, as well as reduce the consumption of processed and canned foods, as they usually contain large amounts of sodium. Likewise, sausages and processed meats, such as sausages, bacon and ham, as well as salty snacks, should be avoided as much as possible. Additionally, you should reduce your intake of foods rich in saturated and trans fats, including: fatty meats, full-fat dairy products (butter and fatty cheeses), fried foods and baked goods (cakes, cookies and cakes). Foods and drinks with a high sugar content should also be reduced, whether sweets, desserts, processed flours, soft drinks, fruit juices with added sugar and energy drinks, since they can lead to overweight or obesity, which are factors “significant risk for the development of high blood pressure,” stressed the nutritionist at the Ricardo Palma Clinic.

In short, the DASH diet is the most appropriate scheme to control and treat hypertension, as it is the most specific in terms of the weight or amount of sodium that should be consumed; However, patients could also opt for the Mediterranean diet, since it is quite similar. For his part, Ríos said that, currently There is a growing interest in a plant-based diet and its impact on blood pressure, because this diet is mainly focused on the intake of fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, nuts and seeds.

6 foods that help reduce hypertension naturally

“The most important thing in terms of diet to prevent or reduce hypertension is control over the amount of daily sodium. Therefore, in order to maintain a proper balance between diet and restrictions, We can consume our daily ration of salt in a homemade preparation at lunch. For example, if there are three to five people in a house, we can add a teaspoon to the food, so in this way we are dividing said amount among several individuals, thus allowing a more conscious and controlled consumption,” said Karen Velásquez.

If a person has a wide variety of risk factors that could lead to the development of high blood pressure or is already hypertensive, it is vital that adopt healthy eating habits and receive nutritional advice from a professional. Likewise, it is essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle, which is not only based on a balanced diet, but is also complemented by the practice of some sport or physical activity.

“It is essential to prioritize fresh and natural foods, cook more at home, as well as practice mindfulness to avoid excesses, which is why it is preferable not to watch your cell phone or television at mealtime. Of course, we cannot ignore the importance of limiting the intake of ultra-processed foods, especially those that carry the nutritional octagon of “high in sodium”, just as we must try not to use the salt shaker during meals. different foods,” said Isabel Ríos.

To prevent hypertension through diet, the expert recommended have adequate dietary diversity, that is, consume all food groups in a varied way, Practice conscious eating through mindfulness and always listen to the signals of hunger and satiety, in order to nourish the body with more conscious and healthy food choices. In addition, it is essential to move regularly throughout the day, thus avoiding a sedentary lifestyle.

6 foods that help reduce hypertension naturally

“Another key point for prevention is being able to achieve adequate quality of sleep, which allows for a good rest. It is also vital have a series of strategies that help us have better stress management, In addition, always guarantee good hydration. Without a doubt, all these measures and habits allow us to reduce the risk of suffering from hypertension and other types of diseases, which can have a negative impact on general health,” indicated the nutrition coordinator of the Ricardo Palma Clinic.

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