Tag: warn


182 ‘meteohealth’ zones: this is the new Health map to warn of the risks of heat

The summer of 2023 was the hottest on record and forecasts for the coming months…

This is the new Health map to warn of the risks of heat

Health today activates a more precise heat map to mitigate its impact on healthThe summer…

They warn about a little-known disease that can cause irreversible damage to eyesight: how to treat it

Although 10% of those over 60 develop a vision-impairing disease called Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD),…

Health activates the plan against heat, which this summer will warn for the first time about air pollution

The Government of Navarra, through the Department of Health, has activated the Plan for the…

Health activates the plan against heat, which this summer will warn for the first time about air pollution

Last year, 92 cases of heat-related pathology were reported, of which six required hospitalization. PAMPLONA,…

Health activates the plan against heat, which this summer will warn for the first time about air pollution

The Government of Navarra, through the Department of Health, has activated the Plan for the…

Doctors warn about the danger of hookah smoking and its relationship with head and neck cancer

40% of adolescents Spanish people between 14 and 18 years old has smoked hookah (also…

HOOKAH ALERT | Doctors warn about its relationship with head and neck cancer

40% of adolescents Spanish people between 14 and 18 years old has smoked hookah (also…

Oncologists warn that vaping can cause lung cancer “even with a shorter exposure time” than tobacco

Patricia Martin Madrid 05/30/2024 at 1:16 p.m. CEST In the collective imagination the idea persists…

Oncologists warn that vaping can cause lung cancer “even with a shorter exposure time” than tobacco

In the collective imagination the idea persists that vape It is healthier than smoking conventional…