Tag: symptoms


These are the diseases that can be detected with a blood test before having symptoms

In recent years the blood tests have become a fundamental tool to provide crucial information…

A UA survey reveals that 50% of women wait until they have serious health symptoms to go to the doctor

Half of the participants in the survey “Health and women”, directed by the professor of…

What are the symptoms of this type of cancer?

At 48 years old, Asma al Assad suffers from acute myeloid leukemia. File image voting…

how to detect your first symptoms

Many women will suffer breast cancer throughout his life. In Spain, 30% of the tumors…

nine little-known symptoms that indicate that it is poorly controlled

One of the most prevalent diseases today is diabetes, which, as explained by the Dr.…

Diabetes: symptoms and treatment – Doctors Without Borders Argentina

Diabetes affects 537 million people worldwide. It is not a disease exclusive to high-income countries:…

High blood pressure: what it is, symptoms, causes and treatment

High blood pressure is a chronic disease that arises when blood pressure is above 140x90…

Anti-diabetes drugs prove a new side effect: they slow down Parkinson’s symptoms | Health & Wellness

On Friday, April 26, at a special news event in Science magazine, two scientists specializing…

Diabetes: what are its first symptoms and 4 other frequently asked questions about this disease

Image source, Getty ImagesCaption, Type 1 diabetes tends to appear early in childhood or adolescence.…

Diabetes: what are its first symptoms and 4 other frequently asked questions about this disease

Image source, Getty ImagesCaption, Type 1 diabetes tends to appear early in childhood or adolescence.…