Tag: Spain


This way you can detect in time the most aggressive cancer that continues to increase in Spain

Every year, with the arrival of good weather, dermatology specialists remember the importance of protecting…

Almost half a million people in Spain have this intestinal disease and half cannot control it

On the occasion of World Digestive Health Day, it is worth remembering that the number…

Galaxy AI will come to the new Galaxy Watch for more personalized health – Samsung Newsroom Spain

Earlier this year, Samsung ushered in the era of mobile AI with the launch of…

A suicide is committed every 2.5 hours in Spain: “It is an urgent public health problem”

The project emerged the way great ideas emerge: looking for something else. "We were doing…

MENTAL HEALTH SPAIN calls for community responsibility ahead of the European elections on June 9

WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 125372 [post_author] => 2 [post_date] => 2024-05-24 12:38:42…

Live donation pending in Spain to increase the survival and quality of life of transplant patients

Clinical and technological advances related to organ transplants in Spain have translated, as is already…

Live donation pending in Spain to increase the survival and quality of life of transplant patients

Despite Spain's world leadership in donations, this modality has not advanced. It must be promoted…

The impact of summer heat increases hospital admissions in Spain for diabetes, obesity and kidney failure

The ISGlobal research included data from more than 11.2 million hospital admissions between 2006 and…

Eduardo Díaz-Rubio, president of the Royal National Academy of Medicine: “In 20 years we will have been able to eradicate cervical cancer in Spain”

Dr. Eduardo Díaz-Rubio, president of the Royal National Academy of Spanish Medicine. (Helena Margarit Cortadellas)Hippocrates,…