Tag: prevent


World Kidney Cancer Day: 4 daily habits to prevent this silent disease that does not present initial symptoms

Renal cell carcinoma, also known as renal cell cancer or renal cell adenocarcinoma, is the…

Artificial Intelligence allows us to prevent diseases and anticipate diagnoses

On Tuesday, May 28, four representatives of the health sector met at a round table…

Diabetes: How you can prevent the disease that affects five million Spaniards and is potentially fatal

Spain is the second country with the highest prevalence of diabetes in Europe, according to…

How you can prevent the disease that affects five million Spaniards and is potentially fatal

06/15/2024 at 04:00 CEST Spain is the second country with the highest prevalence of diabetes…

How you can prevent the disease that affects five million Spaniards and is potentially fatal

Spain is the second country with the highest prevalence of diabetes in Europe, according to…

The four foods you have to eat to prevent prostate cancer

Is the most common tumor among men ahead of cancer of the colon and rectum,…

The four foods you have to eat to prevent prostate cancer

Is the most common tumor among men ahead of colon and rectal cancer, lung and…

What are the warning signs to prevent carcinoma, the type of skin cancer that the Jonas Brothers singer has

Skin cancer lesion with the naked eye and with a microscope CREDIT National Cancer Institute,…

What is the dairy that helps prevent type 2 diabetes and obesity?

A work carried out by prominent Argentine researchers maintains that the regular yogurt consumption It…

What are the health benefits of yogurt and what diseases does it help prevent?

Those who eat yogurt frequently tend to maintain a diet of better nutritional quality, with…