Tag: life


CAR-T: Fran was going to die, but a 300,000 euro treatment that is now financed by public health can save his life | Society

This Monday, around one in the afternoon, Fran Barreto received the genetically modified cells that…

Spending “the prime of life” with cancer: “I can’t handle the desire I have to take on the world”

Hospital waiting room. (Shutterstock)Adolescence and early years of youth These are times of change, of…

In the middle of the crisis, it was like living the life of an Amar actress in troubled times.”

Isabel Gimnez, bipolar disorder patient and anti-stigma activist. Diagnosed at age 35, she recognizes that…

Live donation pending in Spain to increase the survival and quality of life of transplant patients

Clinical and technological advances related to organ transplants in Spain have translated, as is already…

Live donation pending in Spain to increase the survival and quality of life of transplant patients

Despite Spain's world leadership in donations, this modality has not advanced. It must be promoted…

Life after orgasm: what happens to the body and mind after reaching climax | Wellbeing | S Fashion

Blood pressure rises, heart rate increases, breathing becomes increasingly faster and, finally, the body releases…

García highlights the improvement in the quality of life of almost 50,000 patients thanks to technologies applied to diabetes

The Minister of Health and Consumer Affairs, Catalina Garciahas highlighted la "clinical effectiveness" of the…

Physical activity: a beneficial purpose that extends life

Hippocrates, considered the father of medicine, in the 4th century BC. C. already said that…

Physical activity: a beneficial purpose that extends life

Hippocrates, considered the father of medicine, in the 4th century BC. C. already said that…