Cases of skin cancer have increased by 40% in the last four years and now represent 8% of all diagnosed tumors, according to the Spanish Association against Cancer. The Spanish Academy of Dermatology and Venereology estimates that by 2040 the melanoma, the most aggressive and with the worst prognosis of skin cancers, will become the second tumor in global incidence and the first in incidence in menin front of the colon and lung.

In the Community, the incidence rate is 12.5 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, with the average age of cases being 65 years in men and 64 in women, although the College of Nursing points out that from the age of 40, the population should pay special attention to the diagnosis since they may have already damaged their skin; they have to Be attentive to signs of early disease.

Melanoma originates in the melanocytes, cells that produce the pigment melanin responsible for skin color. Although it is less common than other types of skin cancer, it is much more dangerous due to its ability to spread to other parts of the body, that is, to produce metastases, although, as doctors indicate, More than 80% of this type of cancer is curable as long as it is detected in time.

Despite the severity of melanoma, the most common type of skin tumor is still basal cell carcinoma, which represents 80% of the cases. It develops in cells located in the deepest layer of the epidermis. It usually appears as a small shiny bump on the skin, often on sun-exposed areas such as the face, neck, and hands. It can also be presented as a non-healing sore, red patch, or scar.


This carcinoma does not have metastatic capacity by not disseminating its cells to vital organisms such as the brain, liver or kidney, which means that survival is practically 100% when enough skin is controlled and removed, as explained by dermatologist Carlos Guillem, who recommends a dermatological review. annually to detect the tumor at an early stage.

We can find up to more than 100 types of skin cancer. “We could say that basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma are the most common, in that order,” he explains. the Dr. Lisset Sardáhead of Quirónsalud Dermatology Service Alicante. Now, thanks to Teledermatology, health specialists already offer a diagnosis in an interval of 24 to 48 hours in both private and public healthcare.

In fact, the Ministry of Health is promoting teledermatology to detect skin cancer even within 24 hours. In fact, the Dermatologists in Alicante hospitals have gaps in their agendas to attend to suspected cases of melanoma and surgical intervention to remove the lesions. injuries has absolute priority.

Virtual consultations

Hospitals and health centers in the province are progressively implementing these virtual telemedicine consultations that allow Send images of the skin to the specialist in two minutes for evaluation. Thus, in the event that the doctors detect an injury suspicious of being a melanoma Immediately refer the patient to the hospital.

“No one should die from melanoma” because it is “easily visible, no extraordinary test is necessary, simply that someone looks at it with certain critical eyes to see when that mole could be bad and remove it in a few minutes”

Carlos Guillem. Dermatologist

Within the main melanoma symptoms We find changes in the size, shape or color of a mole, the appearance of a new growth on the skin, the sensation of itching, pain or bleeding from a mole. “These symptoms should alert us and bring them to the attention of a specialist as soon as possible,” advises the doctor.

Dr. Guillem advises “self-exploration” at home to be able to detect the first symptoms because, he affirms, “no one should die from melanoma” because it is “easily visible, no extraordinary test is needed, simply for someone to see it with certain critical eyes to see when that mole could be bad and remove it in a few minutes.

Risk factor’s

In relation to the behaviors that increase the likelihood of developing melanoma, The dermatology specialist points out that sunburns during childhood and adolescence are the most linked to melanoma. Furthermore, people who use ultraviolet tanning booths They have a 20 times greater risk of developing this type of cancer throughout their life.

“The lighter the color of the patients’ skin, hair and eyes, the less ability they have to defend themselves against ultraviolet radiation and develop melanoma more easily, with red-haired individuals being the most at risk. On the other handpatients who already have melanoma are more sensitive to suffering a second, as well as the direct relatives of said patients, who must follow strict control,” highlights Dr. Sardá. Hence the importance of recognizing the skin phototype that each person has to avoid sunburn.

“Patients who already have melanoma are more sensitive to suffering a second, as are the direct relatives of said patients, who must follow strict control”

Dr. Lisset Sardá. Head of the Dermatology Service at Quirónsalud Alicante

Second melanoma

On the other hand, between 2% and 10% of melanoma survivors will develop a second primary melanoma and in addition, between 30% and 50% of those who have faced a non-melanoma skin cancer are likely to develop another in a period of 5 years. These statistics underline, according to dermatologists, the importance of adequate dermatological follow-up for those who have overcome skin cancer.

To detect it, specialists advise follow the ABCDE rulesacronym that refers to the asymmetry of this type of lesions, irregular edges, heterogeneous color and diameter greater than six millimeters, although the most important is E, its evolution: any change in a mole must be evaluated by a dermatologist.

Early diagnostic

As occurs in public health, in Teledermatology services in private healthcare The short period of time that elapses between the consultation and the specialist’s diagnosis stands out, which allows it to be addressed as soon as possible in the event of suspicion of malignancy and to apply the necessary treatment to guarantee a higher cure rate.

In the case of Quirónsalud in both Alicante and Torrevieja, the patient is treated in a first initial consultation with healthcare personnel trained in dermoscopic techniques which includes a report about the skin lesions and their evolution, as well as important data such as history, risk factors, etc. The specialist will take images using dermoscopic technology that are sent to the dermatologist, and he will issue his diagnosis in less than forty-eight hours.

In case of doubt or suspicion of malignancy, the patient will be contacted as a priority and You will be offered an in-person appointment in less than two daysin which the specialist will explain your case and the procedure to follow.

College of Nursing

Given these data, the Alicante Nursing College highlights the crucial role of prevention in the fight against cancer and recognizes the work of professionals who treat those who face this disease. To prevent it, nurses recommend limiting solar radiation and do not sunbathe between 10 in the morning and 4 in the afternoon, apply sunscreen indicated for each skin type, and put on sunglasses, a hat and appropriate clothing. The entity also recommends performing monthly self-examinations of the skin to detect changes in moles, spots or possible lesions, and consulting regularly with a nursing professional.