He Weekly horoscope with predictions for each sign of the zodiac corresponding to the week of June 24 to 30, 2024 has just landed so you can organize yourself in the best way for what is officially considered the first week of summer. To do this, astrology (here explained scientifically) has carried out its tasks: recording and analyzing the movements that occur in the universe of celestial bodies, such as the Moon and the planets Mercury, Venus or Mars on the twelve signs that make up the zodiacal wheel. those that circulate (Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces), and then give them meaning. This way we can know what energies will reach Earth. In the end, knowing the date of each of the zodiac signs or how to calculate our birth chart is not enough to obtain all the information we want about the future.

He weekly horoscope from June 24 to 30, 2024 It will be calm, without any major altercations that cause major jolts of energy, not even a moon scheduled in the lunar calendar. Just a retrograde planet that, rather than affecting us negatively, will do so very, very positively. It is Saturn, which begins its retrogradation stage in Pisces, but it turns out that it is the best thing that is going to happen to you this summer, because it is going to bring some very calm ‘vibes’, of calm and good vibes, perfect for these days that are they loom

Here you have COSMOPOLITAN’s weekly horoscope for the week of June 24 to 30, 2024 with the necessary predictions so that nothing that happens in the next seven days catches you off guard. Read your sun sign to gain insight into the part of you that is evolving. Read your rising sign to find a reflection on your present self. Read your moon sign to guide you on which path to take to mature.

Aries weekly horoscope

Aries: from March 21 to April 19.

Aries, lately you have not shown your partner all the tenderness he deserves to receive. This is making things slowly starting to cool down. Do something on your part or you will regret your absolute negligence.

On the other hand, jobs that involve great responsibility are the ones that suit you best. You have the energy for it. Of course, you should try not to argue with people who are below you in the company.

In addition, the moon will influence your mood more than ever. So the best thing you can do is get together with your closest friends to cheer you up.

The best day of the week for Aries: Sunday.

Tip of the week for Aries: Ask for all the help you need, no one is going to judge you.

You want to know more? Discover the daily horoscope for Aries or the personality characteristics of Aries.

Taurus weekly horoscope

Taurus: from April 20 to May 20.

Taurus, the influence of Pluto leads you to doubt the stability of your relationship and problems will arise in it. Trusting your partner is the most important thing, although you should not put up with everything just because of what others think, but because they give you everything you need.

It’s a good time to finish your studies or try to get a job interview, so don’t trust anyone to solve your financial problems. Do It Yourself.

Also, you are a little melancholic for no reason so try to be more cheerful. A meeting with your family or friends will cheer you up much more than you imagine.

The best day of the week for Taurus: Tuesday.

Tip of the week for Taurus: trust your intuition to make good decisions.

You want to know more? Discover the daily horoscope for Taurus or the personality characteristics of Taurus.

Gemini weekly horoscope

Gemini: from May 21 to June 20.

Gemini, Mars these days in Taurus alters your character a little and you argue with your partner about everything. Maybe you are just paying that person something that has to do with something else and not the relationship. Reflect.

On the other hand, try to be nicer to people, because not everyone has to put up with your character. What’s more, no one should do it.

Don’t close yourself off to possible job offers that, even if they are not the same as what you have been doing, may be interesting. Value yourself more, because you can do many things and have more responsibilities.

The best day of the week for Gemini: Wednesday.

Tip of the week for Gemini: Don’t hold anyone responsible for your bad decisions.

You want to know more? Discover the daily horoscope for Gemini or the personality characteristics of Gemini.

Cancer Weekly Horoscope

Cancer: from June 21 to July 22.

Cancer, forgive the mistakes your partner makes, as sometimes he gets carried away by his temper without meaning to. Of course, set limits because your opinion and feelings count just as much as that person’s.

On the other hand, your friends show you their love and attention, which makes you happy. Don’t hesitate to spend more time with them.

Also, take advantage of the possible recommendation of a family member who intends to help you get a job and leave prejudices behind.

The best day of the week for Cancer: Thursday.

Tip of the week for Cancer: Repeated even numbers boost your luck.

You want to know more? Discover the daily horoscope for Cancer or the personality characteristics of Cancer.

Leo Weekly Horoscope

Leo: from July 23 to August 22.

Leo, the influence of the Sun in Cancer makes you stand out above anyone else. You like to talk to everyone but your life is going to take a turn. If you start a new relationship, you can find the long-sought happiness.

Good luck in job interviews you do to get a new job, because the influence of Mars makes you stand out among the people around you.

Furthermore, you feel young, happy and full of vitality. Take advantage of this desire to enjoy life to make plans with your friends that you have been putting off for a long time.

The best day of the week for Leo: Saturday.

Tip of the week for Leo: The number 6 enhances your luck.

You want to know more? Discover the daily horoscope for Leo or the personality characteristics of Leo.

Virgo weekly horoscope

Virgo: from August 23 to September 22.

Virgo, don’t be so distrustful of people who show you their affection, because not all of them are bad or want to annoy you. This is something that is in your insecurities, not in reality.

On the other hand, if you don’t have a partner, the stars influence you to meet great people who fill your heart. A great love story can emerge from this stage.

It’s a good time to redecorate your home a little, so use bright colors if you decide to paint the walls. You will thus significantly attract luck.

The best day of the week for Virgo: Friday.

Tip of the week for Virgo: The number 3 enhances your luck.

You want to know more? Discover the daily horoscope for Virgo or the personality characteristics of Virgo.

Libra weekly horoscope

Libra: from September 23 to October 22.

Libra, your partner lacks the confidence to protect what is yours and shed light on your concerns. This is a problem that you must solve as soon as possible, if you do not want everything you have to go to waste.

A lifelong person will support you and you will appreciate having their love and good ideas. Be very careful, because you run the risk of falling in love with her.

Control the excessive expenses you have for wanting to appear, as you could regret it. If you are thinking about leaving money to a very dear friend, do it without hesitation too much.

The best day of the week for Libra: Monday.

Tip of the week for Libra: balance will return once you face your fears.

You want to know more? Discover the daily horoscope for Libra or the personality characteristics of Libra.

Scorpio weekly horoscope

Scorpio: from October 23 to November 21.

Scorpio, if you are patient, you will be able to get everything you want from your partner, living in harmony and stability as you have always wanted.

On the other hand, you will arouse a lot of envy among your newest friends, don’t pay attention. You’d better trust the people you’ve always known. They will understand you.

If you have a good dialogue, you can get a conflict related to a debt resolved. If you get into any more trouble, you’ll lose everything.

The best day of the week for Scorpio: Thursday.

Tip of the week for Scorpio: Greed can go wrong.

You want to know more? Discover the daily horoscope for Scorpio or the personality characteristics of Scorpio.

Sagittarius weekly horoscope

Sagittarius: from November 22 to December 21.

Sagittarius, you will support people in your family and friends who are going through a difficult time in their love life and who look to you as a source of tears. Give them all your support.

In addition, you will live beautiful moments with your partner, so don’t get nervous and better open your mind to enjoy to the fullest.

Avoid fines or surcharges by reviewing your documents and pending payments. You will finally take a trip that you have been planning for a long time, so enjoy it and disconnect completely.

The best day of the week for Sagittarius: Friday.

Tip of the week for Sagittarius: Very low odd numbers make you lucky, as does the color yellow.

You want to know more? Discover the daily horoscope for Sagittarius or the personality characteristics of Sagittarius.

Capricorn weekly horoscope

Capricorn: from December 22 to January 19.

Capricorn, you must support and understand your partner more. You have fallen into a routine that is not good for you. Share fun and happy moments with her, you will see how everything improves.

In addition, you will receive news from family members who are far away and who love you very much despite the distance. This will make you very happy, so don’t hesitate to share it with your friends.

If you have to make a payment and you can’t, don’t worry and ask for a deferral. Do not argue in difficult circumstances for you because you will lose your temper.

The best day of the week for Capricorn: Wednesday.

Tip of the week for Capricorn: You cannot control the actions of others, only your own.

You want to know more? Discover the daily horoscope for Capricorn or the personality characteristics of Capricorn.

Aquarius weekly horoscope

Aquarius: from January 20 to February 18.

Aquarius, you enjoy the emotional stability that you have always sought so much and you feel happy about it. You will enjoy your partner more if you organize a little trip to some exotic and remote place.

On the other hand, you could have guests staying at home from family who lives far away. Set limits so you don’t feel uncomfortable in your own home.

You don’t like being bossed around, but you love carrying responsibilities that don’t concern you. Stop your pace and try not to shout if you argue with someone in your work environment. If you do, it will turn against you.

The best day of the week for Aquarius: Monday.

Tip of the week for Aquarius: Limits will help you be calmer.

You want to know more? Discover the daily horoscope for Aquarius or the personality characteristics of Aquarius.

Pisces weekly horoscope

Pisces: from February 19 to March 20.

Pisces, the daily monotony overwhelms you, even causing you to feel depressed. Take your life back and do new things again, those that excite you. It’s the only way to be well.

On the other hand, you could be attracted to a difficult person. Be careful and assess to what extent it is worth getting into it.

People older than you come to you to help you. Don’t despise her because you have a lot to learn. Don’t reject possible recommendations to get a job that will solve your life.

The best day of the week for Pisces: Tuesday.

Tip of the week for Pisces: It’s okay to change your mind.

You want to know more? Discover the daily horoscope for Pisces or the personality characteristics of Pisces.