Hippocrates, considered the father of medicine, in the 4th century BC. C. already said that If all the parts of the human body that have a function are used and exercised in the work for which they are made, they will remain healthy and well developed and will age more slowly.. The human body has approximately 600 muscles, of which about 430 are voluntary and their essential function is to produce movement. The ancient Greek physician also maintained that if these parts are not used and left to idle, they become unhealthy and defective. in their growth and age before their time.

A historical fact that shows that the importance of physical exercise for health has been known since time immemorial. Nevertheless, In recent decades it has become more relevant if possible due to factors such as the great dissemination that has been carried out from various forums about the numerous physical benefits that it brings.its usefulness in maintaining an adequate body weight or the gains it brings on a psychological level, all in a context in which beauty standards occupy a prominent place in society.

However, Still a long way to go, since the data in this sense are not very encouraging in some countries. The latest Eurobarometer from the European Commission, published on April 6 on the occasion of World Physical Activity Day, reflected that 46% of Spaniards never exercise or practice any type of sport, a figure that was two points above that recorded four years ago. Likewise, the survey indicated that just over four out of every ten Spaniards (43%) do it at least once a week, and of them, only 14% do it regularly (at least five times a week).

Lack of time, the absence of equipment in certain places, physical problems or laziness are the main arguments used to justify a sedentary life., a trend that increases as age increases. Data such as that only one in three citizens does some type of physical activity (cycling, dancing, gardening…) or that just over half have never done it (51%, compared to 49% in the previous study ) highlight a worrying reality about a practice that is directly related to food and other healthy habits and that allows you to both enjoy a full, quality life and the possibility of extending it.

To the main excuses that are used when doing some exercise, another no less important issue is added: What activity should I do? A study prepared by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) pointed out at the beginning of the year that High-intensity workouts, such as CrossFit, and yoga would be a trend in gyms during 2018. Two physical activities to which we could add spinningvery popular in gym rooms, and the runningan activity that three million people in Spain claim to practice regularly.

HVS Chart

It is precisely this same institution, considered a reference in the field of medicine and sports, that resolves another question that all those who want to start this habit, or already practice it, ask themselves: How much exercise should you practice? “If we talk about physical activity to maintain the health of a healthy middle-aged person, let’s say between 30 and 50 years old, what the ACSM says is that You must do primarily aerobic exercise, at a medium intensity, 3 to 5 times a week, lasting between half an hour and one hour per session.“answers the doctor and director of the Sports Medicine Center of the Government of Aragon, Juan José Lacleta. This institution was born in 1985 with the aim of providing medical and biological support to the training of Aragonese athletes as well as collaborating in training activities, dissemination and research in sports medicine in the Aragonese Community.

Multiple benefits

Walking, jogging, cycling, swimming and dancing are the five ACSM proposals for exercising, as they allow you to train large muscle groups at the same time.. “It’s another thing to exercise them for a specific sport, which doesn’t make them forget the rest. Tennis players, for example, spend hours in the gym to compensate as much as possible for the difference in the work of their dominant arm with the one they use to handle the racket,” Lacleta points out.

Of those mentioned, the expert highlights swimming, since it is a very complete sport, which improves “physical condition at any age, both in babies and in the elderly”. The same happens with running, which is considered physical activity, along with walking, which is more basic, easy to carry out and provides greater benefits. “It lowers blood pressure, improves the contractile function of the heart, lowers cholesterol, increases glucose tolerance, and, above all, reduces anxiety and increases self-esteem.something very useful for depressive symptoms,” he explains. In addition to being recommended, running is one of the most popular sports in recent years. Proof of this is the increase in the number of popular races that are held. Another of the physical activities in vogue today is the spinning, a discipline that is performed on a stationary bicycle. “Done well, it provides exactly the same improvements as a running race, but as in any sporting practice, you have to start little by little.”progressively increasing the moments of greatest intensity,” asserts the expert.

With respect to CrossFitLacleta points out that, despite the fashion, “these techniques, with high-intensity exercises and reduced rest, were once used as training for boxers and athletes, since great resistance to fatigue and greater development are obtained. muscular,” he explains. The risk here is in overtraining, injuries (as these are high-intensity exercises, they can be very traumatic), and, in many cases, the lack of preparation of the instructors in the gyms.”Add.

In relation to yoga and other similar meditation techniques, despite recognizing that they are outside his scope of work, highlights their benefits on many levels, since “it has been proven that “They reduce stress and anxiety, in addition to having other properties to relieve chronic pain.”.

Beyond fashions, this specialist points out that whenever physical exercise is performed as a programmed activity to improve or maintain physical fitness, “It is advisable to adapt it to the personal, physical and health conditions of the person, and, of course, to personal tastes, since motivation is the most important thing.”

with common sense

Achieving the benefits already mentioned, and many others that physical exercise brings to your health, is a matter of time and perseverance. Those who claim that when you practice a sport a lot the body ends up getting used to it and it no longer has positive effects are far from knowing the reality. “The benefits of practicing sports disappear if you stop doing it, another thing is taking it to extremes such as overtraining or even vigorexia”, says Lacleta. “In a healthy person there is no limit to practicing exercise other than common sense,” she adds, also referring to those who start practicing certain sports or physical activities without first consulting a specialist. “For example, People who want to lose weight, especially in cases of obesity, should always be monitored by a specialistwhich will give the dietary guidelines to follow and set the guidelines for the exercise to be performed, which, initially, should be the aerobics already mentioned,” he explains.

Whether or not it is a question of weight, this doctor recommends a consultation before starting to practice any sport or exercise routine, especially in case there are previous pathologies, even those considered milder. Nevertheless, There are few medical cases in which physical activity is totally prohibited. “There are very few absolute contraindications,” he explains, “except for cases such as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, a myocardial disease that is the most common cause of sudden death in young athletes in the United States and the second in Spain.”

To address these types of issues, The Spanish Society of Sports Medicine (SEMED-FEMEDE), of which Lacleta is a part, is preparing a consensus document on Contraindications for Sports Practicewhich will be presented next November at the congress that the entity will hold in Toledo.

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