As of today, Spanish doctors have two pharmacological options dubbed the “King Kong and Godzilla of diabetes and obesity”

The arrival of Mounjaro and wegovy (the Ozempic intended for obesity) has been baptized by the scientific community as the “King Kong and Godzilla of diabetes and obesity“. For Cristóbal Morales, member of the Board of Directors of the Spanish Obesity Society (Seedo), “it is not about Wandsbut drugs that help maintain a healthy lifestyle with a point of view of returning to health and not aesthetics.”

Today the new indication for Mounjaro (tirzepatide) for obesity arrives in Spain. A drug that has demonstrated weight losses greater than 20% (more than Wegoby), with the addition of other “effects”such as reducing waist circumference and also a control of cholesterol and blood pressure levelsamong other cardiovascular indicators.

Mounjaro has demonstrated more significant reductions in blood sugar levels and greater weight loss than the other medications in different clinical studies. In the clinical trial called Surmount, on which they have based the reasons for its approval by regulatory agencies, they have been observed weight losses of up to 22.5%.

Javier Escaladapresident of the Foundation of the Spanish Society of Endocrinology and Nutrition (FSEEN), explains that “it is the first molecule in its therapeutic class approved for the treatment of type 2 diabetes when patients do not achieve sufficient control with diet alone. and exercise, and has demonstrated a reduction in glycosylated hemoglobin and weight superior to treatments from other therapeutic classes (including GLP-1 receptor agonists) at all doses studied.

In Spain they have already had access to this drug 1,128 patients that has been included in clinical trials. “Of the more than 10,000 patients who have participated in the clinical development of Tirzepatide, 95 centers have participated in Spain (35 of them in obesity studies),” José Antonio Sacristán, medical director of Lilly Spain.

Who can use Mounjaro?

Currently, this medication has two indications. One to treat type 2 diabetes and another, in certain situations of obesity.

Mounjaro or tirzepatide (the name of its active substance) is indicated as an adjunct to a low-calorie diet and increased physical activity for weight control, including weight loss and maintenance, in adults with a body mass (BMI) greater than 30, considered obese, or between 27 and 30, considered overweight, but with an associated disease such as, for example, hypertension, dyslipidemia, obstructive sleep apnea, cardiovascular disease, prediabetes or type 2 diabetes mellitus .

How can you acquire tirzepatide in Spain?

Will be Available from July 1. This drug can only be purchased in our country, always under medical prescription and dispensed in the pharmacy with prescription.

“It is important – Escalada emphasizes this greatly – that the prescription must be made with a good understanding of the patient’s situation, with long-term follow-up. There are many patients in our country who need it.”

For this reason, Escalada hopes that “it is not used superficially and is intended to lose three or four kilos. This is a drug that is used together with a change of life with a healthy diet and regular physical exercise.”

What are the benefits of this drug?

Through several clinical trials, key conclusions have been reached for approval. In overweight and obese people without diabetes, tirzepatide has shown reduce an average of up to 22.5% of weight (23.6 kg) at week 72.

“It should be noted that four out of 10 patients achieved weight loss equal to or greater than 25%“explains Escalada. This means that it impacts cardiometabolic pathology, such as hypertension and diabetes. All of this with a high response rate: “96% of patients achieved a reduction equal to or greater than 5% after 72 weeks of treatment,” highlights the FSEEN spokesperson.

Climbing also points out the benefits of waist circumference reductions ranging from 14.6 to 19.9 cm. “In patients with a significant degree of obesity, this is key because it means that patients can tie their shoelaces. In this way, there are many who recover the ability to carry out daily activities.”

At the same time, there are significant reductions in triglycerides (24.3 – 31.4%), in addition to a decrease in blood pressure (both systolic and diastolic) and a positive impact on cholesterol levels (with improvements in HDL and reductions in LDL).

What will be the price of Mounjaro?

At the moment the price It will range between 100 and 300 euros, but it will not be financed by the National Health System. “A maintenance, that is, chronic, long-term treatment will cost about 271 euros per month, about 9 euros per day“explains Sacristán.

How does Mounjaro work?

Tirzepatide (or Mounjaro) is a molecule that targets two human GIP and GLP-1 receptors. The difference with semaglutide (Ozempic and Wegoby) is the activity on the GIP receptor, which is similar to that of the native GIP hormone. The drug combines gastric inhibitory polypeptide or GIP and glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) that play important roles in glycemic control.


All this translates into a better control of insulin secretionthe decrease in energy consumption and one feeling of reduced appetite.

Webgoy vs. Mounjaro: what difference does adding the GIP receptor to the GLP-1 make?

As the Seedo member explains, “It is different because it acts is a molecule that acts on the GIP and GLP-1 receptors.“. Both receptors are present in endocrine and pancreatic cells, heart, vasculature, immune cells (leukocytes), intestine and kidney. GIP receptors are also present in adipocytes. In addition, both GIP and GLP-1 receptors They are expressed in areas of the brain important for regulating appetite.

To know more

It is a more powerful option in the field of obesity“, points out Morales. “Right now it is good that we have two drugs that are necessary for the epidemic we are experiencing of overweight, obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.” The endocrinologist highlights this because both options together can overcome shortage problems.

Why do Mounjaro’s GIP and GLP-1 receptors enhance the effect?

The use of both receptors synergistically enhances the effect of both, according to experts. The exact molecular mechanisms leading to improvements in weight loss and glycemia with Mounjaro are still under study, mainly because the role of GIP receptor activation with tirzepatide is unclear, according to several scientific publications.

What are the side effects of Mounjaro?

The most frequently reported adverse events with tirzepatide were gastrointestinal, including nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. Most of them were mild to moderate in severity and improved over time. Only 4% to 7% of participants in the Surmount 1 and 2 clinical trials discontinued treatment.