The danger of the sun on our skin is well known. But there are other risk factors for the appearance of skin cancer that specialists warn about. Like Merkel cell carcinoma, a kind of cancer that manifests itself in the skin, is rare and can be confused with a wart or an insect bite. The doctor explains it Pilar López Criadohead of the Multidisciplinary Skin and Melanoma Unit of MD Anderson Cancer Center Madrid.

Talk about skin tumors which are not always related to the sun. Merkel cell carcinoma associated with a virus (Merkel cell polyomavirus) which usually appears as a flesh-colored or red nodule bluish, especially on the face, head or neckdescribes the doctor.

In older people

Therapeutically, it resembles melanoma but “it is a much more aggressive tumor and rare” (also with a worse prognosis), although if detected in time, it can be cured, he warns Dr. López Criado. It usually manifests like a wart-like papule or insect bite, so it is very common for it to be confused and not given importance.

“That is why it is important that, in the event of a skin alteration that lasts longer than normal, we consult with a specialist,” he says. It develops mainly in older people, and long-term sun exposure or a weak immune system can increase the risk of developing this disease.


Skin tumors related to the sun are mainly basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas, in addition to melanoma, recalls the specialist. Skin carcinomas are 90% of skin cancers. The most common is basal cell cancer, a slow-growing cancer. which “rarely” spreads to other parts of the body.

Melanoma, although less common, is more dangerous than any of the carcinomas, explains the doctor

Squamous cell carcinoma is less common, but more aggressive and more likely to grow deep under the skin and spread to other parts of the body. Melanoma, although less common, is more dangerous than any of the carcinomas. It is estimated that in 2024 Nearly 8,000 new cases will be detected.

“The skin is the bigger organ of the body and we are tremendously exposed, but, if we detect melanoma early, we have almost a 97% chance of cure,” explains Pilar López Criado.

aesthetic treatments

Additionally, there are other skin conditions that They are also not related to sun exposure. The doctor talks about overexposure to toxins that can cause irreversible damage. In fact, he continues, more and more people are turning to “to poorly controlled aesthetic treatments” and that can cause injuries to our skin.

You should go to qualified beauty centers and avoid the use of solvents or glues that do not comply with health recommendations.

A problem that also It happens in nail, eyebrow or barbershop aesthetics, in the case of men. Warns: you should go to qualified beauty centers, where hygiene is taken care of and thus avoid the use of solvents or glues that do not meet the requirements. European health recommendations.

The doctor warns about alopecia or carcinomas caused by inadequate aesthetic treatments

We are seeing squamous cell carcinomas that could be cured well, but that, because they affect the face, they dominate aesthetics and are being treated in the wrong way, even generating vital complications,” he warns. “The influencer of the moment has more power than what the doctor says,” asserts Pilar López Criado.

The doctor gives as an example the trend of gel nails or hair extensions. “In the case of nails, I go to a center and put them on in any way, using any material and looking for the cheapest. The same thing happens with hair: I put extensions anywhere, without considering the effect that this can have short and, especially, in the medium and long term. He concludes that these practices can lead to problems such as alopecia, which has no solution because the hair follicle has been damaged, or carcinomas caused for aesthetic treatments inappropriate on nails.