The number of people suffering diabetes has increased continuously in recent years.

However, as specialists warn, Up to 50% of people who have diabetes are unaware that they have it. According to the data of the World Health Organization (WHO), cases of diabetes have grown “more rapidly” in low- and middle-income countries. And in 2019 the 463 million diabetics.

Asked about the alarming growth in the prevalence of diabetes Dr. Manuel Lanchedoa specialist in Internal Medicine at the Checkup Unit of the Clínica Universidad de Navarra, explains that a sedentary lifestyle, poor diet and increased life expectancy are behind this “epidemic.”

Coinciding with the World Diabetes Daywhich is celebrated every November 14, the specialist highlights the importance of prevention, key to avoiding this disease.

Spain, which has the second rate of diabetes highest in Europe, 90% of people who have it are type 2.

There are two types of diabetes: type 1 diabetes mellitus and type 2 diabetes mellitus.

  • Diabetes type 1. Although it can develop in adults, it has a higher incidence among young people and children. It is the patient’s own immune system that causes the destruction of the beta cells of the pancreas, which causes a total insulin deficiency. It cannot be prevented and The treatment must be carried out for life: insulin injections or insulin pump (small device that is programmed to deliver amounts of insulin throughout the day).

  • Type 2 diabetes. Is more common in older people. “Obesity and a sedentary life are, among some, the factors that can trigger the appearance of type 2 diabetes,” says Dr. Lanchedo.

How to detect type 2 diabetes?

The doctor, through different tests, will be able to diagnose the disease. The clinical diagnosis is based on the abnormal elevation of blood glucose.

Long-term complications of diabetes

One of the most feared consequences of diabetes is a heart attack.”, indicates the internist.

But it is not the only consequence of this disease, which can damage:

  • The heart

  • Blood vesels

  • The eyes

  • The kidneys

  • The nerves.

In fact, adults with diabetes have almost the triple risk of suffering a myocardial infarction and stroke.

Other complications that can occur if blood levels remain high blood glucose continuously are the following:

How often should you go to the doctor and why?

From the moment of diagnosis, patients with diabetes “should receive comprehensive medical care.”

  • As Dr. Lanchedo points out, The ideal is to go for reviews “every six months.”“Although there will be people who have to go every three months or even just once a year.”

The frequency of medical control appointments will be determined by the professional and will depend on whether or not there are other risk factor’s as cholesterol or high blood pressure.

And it is essential to “discard or evaluate” other possible diabetes-related complications that may develop over time.

Does type 2 diabetes always need medication?

There is no cure for type 2 diabetes. The main treatment is a healthy diet, physical exercise and pharmacological treatment that work as stimulants of blood secretion. insulintissue sensitizers to insulin or inhibitors of carbohydrate or fat absorption.

However, not all patients with type 2 diabetes will have to “resort to medication.” And, as Dr. Lanchedo emphasizes, “in “Obese people can be cured through bariatric surgery.”