An Interterritorial of “mere formality” for the PP and “groundhog day” for the minister. Provisions have been distributed for the Mental Health Plan (38 million euros) and the Rare and Neurodegenerative Diseases Plan (2.8 million)

Other Interterritorial Council “in process” some health advisors have stated. Or as the Minister of Health, Mónica García, commented on the issue of summer plans for primary care doctors. a “new groundhog day”. The regional plenary session, which was expected to be long due to more than twenty agenda items, has concluded in just over two and a half hours. And, again, with two very different points of view.

While the advisors of the Popular Party, through the mouth of their spokesperson and new vice president of the Council, have described the meeting as “mere formality” and that it has served to the minister “hides from her responsibilities”, in reference to the absence of an item on the agenda regarding the lack of professionals for this summer, Mónica García pointed out “the success and the good tone in which it has passed.” And she has stressed that “We work very well with the CCAA that come to work; those who come to oppose are disappointed“.

The most notable of this interterritorial have been the distribution of funds for the communities in various matters and the appointment of a vice president. A position that had been vacant for years and that will be occupied from today by the Councilor of Castilla y León, Alejandro Vazquez. The minister, in the press conference after the meeting, defined his functions: “Replacing the president [la ministra en este caso, o sea ella misma cuando deba ausentarse en el transcurso de una reunión] and assume the tasks that I delegate to him.” Vázquez has been able to reach this position thanks to the PP dominates the color of the plenum.

At the end of the meeting, the CCAA have shown to be upset with the distribution of funds and they believe that no progress has been made with the doctors’ summer plans. According to the minister, this was already settled in the last Interterritorial meeting on June 5, “extraordinary, by the way, to address this issue of what the measures will be to alleviate the lack of professionals this summer in primary school, we have already agreed.”

García added that “The doubts that each and every one of the directors had were resolved in a document and they were also resolved unanimously. “To all those councils or all those communities that have not sent us their summer plans, we have no knowledge of what their initiatives are.”

At the end of the meeting, the counselor of Castilla y León and vice president of the IC, stated: “As we already sensed at the beginning, It has been an Interterritorial Council of mere formality; a mere instrument in which the minister has hidden behind it so as not to face the important problem that the National Health System has, which is the lack of professionals and that this summer is going to create problems when it comes to providing health care. “.

Vázquez has explained that In “two and a half hours” twenty points have been dispatchedwhile “the other day [el 5 de junio] with a single point [sobre la falta de profesionales este verano] we stayed almost three hours. “That gives an idea of ​​the quality of the agenda and without addressing any solution,” she said.

Furthermore, the Castilian-Leonese counselor added that the minister “in the six months that she has been in office practically forgot what she said on the first day after being appointed and that is that having professionals in the health system was the responsibility of the ministry.” “.

Regarding the summer plans to guarantee attendance, especially in AP, the Castilian-Leonese counselor has reiterated that the CCAA “we are exercising our powers. We have all made alterations to the vacation calendars, spoken with the unions to increase the vacation period, put extraordinary consultations, which are called different things in different communities. “The only one who does not comply with her powers is the minister.”

In the case of his community, Vázquez explained “plans have been implemented so that patients, if necessary, can go to other healthcare points.”

CCAA claims

The most important issue has not been on the agenda, in the opinion of the Andalusian counselor, Catalina García. “It should be the agreement of the document to solve the summer assistance problem. The rest of the points are informative and we can obtain them through the technical teams, and therefore avoidable“For this reason, the counselor of the Junta de Andalucía has requested a more “executive” character and address the “current and future” problems. Among them, the counselor has mentioned the needs to address the elderly population and chronicity, along with mental health. And she has insisted on “focusing on that new healthcare model that fits all of that.”

Like her, the Minister of Health of the Balearic Islands, Manuela Garciahas also regretted that The “heavy agenda” did not consider the main health problem of the coming months. Catalina García clarifies that this matter of the doctors is not something that has happened, “it is not that solutions are requested in June”, but rather that “they have been putting this issue on the table for more than six months.”

“In last week’s IC There was an explicit commitment from the Minister, included in the draft of the minutes, at the proposal of Andalusia, by the way, to collect in a document everything that we had talked about in the IC; very simple measures that did not go against the MIR training or against the Law and the minister also said yes to it and made a point in some of the measures,” the Andalusian counselor detailed. But that is not what they received last Wednesday.

What do they demand? “That our MIR who entered the pandemic in an exceptional situation (in Andalusia there are 369) can move to health centers where they have the support of doctors in their specialty even if their deputy is not there or that they can go from a large hospital to a regional one. . In both cases are supervised by specialists and pay them a supplement to match them the salary they would receive within two months.” For this reason, Catalina García defends that these measures do not violate training or the law and therefore they must send them “a document that we can endorse the CCAA”.

The Minister of Health has defended that “all the proposed measures, which are the responsibility of the communities, and which raised doubts, have been resolved in a document. In it Initiatives that exceeded their legal limits and invited irregularities are not included.“. And again, he explained that the communities must assume their functions and insisted: “If there is any counselor who is not qualified to take charge of their management of the human resources of their community, we will be happy to do so. job”.

From Castilla-La Mancha, its Health Minister, Jesús Fernández Sanz, has advocated continuing to fight so that his region continues to have more residents. “This year we will exceed the figure of 500 residents. In addition, we are one of the seven communities that has filled all the positions offered to be a specialist in the National Health System.”

It is worth remembering that Melilla, Canary Islands, Cantabria, Madrid and Valencian Community sold out the places in the ordinary call and Andalusia, Castilla-La Mancha, the Basque Country and Murcia, in the extraordinary.

About the lack of doctors for this summerthe La Mancha counselor highlighted that last week an Extraordinary Council was held to talk about the issue “and we expressed ourselves by explaining that it is just another summer, we have more doctors than ever in Castilla-La Mancha, more than 2,500, more professionals than never and we aim for coverage to be 80%.

Fatima Matutecounselor of the Community of Madridstressed at the end of the meeting and on the criticism launched by the minister that there were CCAA that had proposed measures not in accordance with the law on the use of MIR to guarantee assistance this summer, that “at no time have they proposed to the minister who commits any type of illegality or skips any regulation in relation to the final year MIR”.

Matute explained that the different departments have put “solutions on the table, and we are waiting,” the counselor points out, “for them to be respond to certain proposalswhich depending on the idiosyncrasy have been different in the different autonomous communities”.

As a way to solve the lack of professionals, among others, Madrid is committed to speeding up the homologation of degrees so that non-EU doctors can practice in Spain. In this sense, he has once again recalled that the ministry has not given them, as they had requested, a list of all non-EU doctors who are pending homologation of title to be able to practice in Spain.

Regarding this note from the Madrid counselor, García has also spoken out and declared that, probably, the Madrid counselor “will talk about the approvals of the specialist title, because the approvals of the medical degree, those do not belong to this ministry, they belong to the Ministry of Universities. If you mean these, right now we are up to date; “We hardly have a waiting list for these approvals.”


Regarding the funds distributed to communities to address the Mental Health Plan (38 million euros) and the Rare and Neurodegenerative Diseases Plan (2.8 million)an issue for which the communities have considered that they received less money than promised, the minister explained that “they are the same funds as last year, but there are some communities that did not spend them last year and that remains a This is a basic tax problem that everyone who works in public administration knows: if you don’t spend the money, the following year, they deduct what you haven’t spent. “This is what has happened in some communities.” .

Protests over funds have also come from socialist fiefdoms. Castilla-La Mancha continues to demand correct health financing that takes into account chronicity, dispersion and demographics. Its advisor, Fernández Sanz, has stated that his community “cannot be more than other communities, but neither less, there must be equity and a balance between Communities when it comes to financing.”

From Andalusia, Catalina García also points out that they represent “a tiny amount” compared to what they invest. For the councilor of the Valencian Community, Marciano Gómez Gómez, these funds do not include human resources for their implementation. “The Valencian Community already has its own Mental Health Plan, endowed with 734 million euros, and, unlike the Ministry, what concerns us is the most important thing, being able to have the necessary personnel for its implementation.”