It is not new, the life we ​​live in these times does not give a truce. Many spend the day running from here to there, overwhelmed by work and family demands and responsibilities, immersed in stress and anxiety. Consequently, there is limited time left to dedicate to oneself: preparing a homemade and nutritious meal, exercising and being in contact with nature. For these reasons, Health takes its toll since, as a result of this hectic maelstrom, people are prone to developing, for example, chronic diseases.

Among them, the arterial hypertension It is one of the most frequent pathologies that can be triggered. According to data from the World Health Organization (WHO), in the world there is an average of 1.28 billion adults between 30 and 79 who suffer from this condition, which is associated with being one of the main causes of premature death. And what is alarming, the Institution highlights, is that only one in five adults has the condition under control.

A report from Harvard University explains that Hypertension is a disease that affects the body’s arteries when blood puts too much pressure on them. Specifically, blood pressure is made up of two parts: one is called “systolic” and has to do with the pressure that the heart generates when it pumps blood to the rest of the body; the other is called “diastolic” and refers to the pressure in the blood vessels between heartbeats. It is measured in millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) and is divided into four general categories:

The curious thing about this pathology and why we must be attentive, is that It is usually silent: It does not present obvious symptoms until it reaches an advanced stage. In these cases, Harvard University explains, a headache, strong heartbeat, dizziness and even blurred vision may appear.

Therefore, Alejandro Andersson, neurologist and director of the Institute of Neurology of Buenos Aires, highlights the importance of early diagnosis since otherwise hypertension can damage some organs such as the brain, eyes, heart, kidneys and arteries around the body and thus increase the chances of suffering a heart attack or stroke Since the blood vessels of the brain are damaged, the chances of an artery becoming blocked or ruptured increase.

High blood pressure is usually a silent disease: it does not present obvious symptoms until it reaches an advanced stage.Archive

As with any chronic pathology, the Nutrition graduate, Estela Mazzei (MP: 6371), explains that part of its causes are the product of some non-modifiable risk factors such as genetics or age. On the other hand, it specifies that the arterial hypertension can be triggered by issues related to bad habits such as eating, a sedentary lifestyle and smoking, “although these are habits that can be modified,” points out.

Precisely in relation to food, the nutritionist warns that the diet of a person with hypertension or at risk of suffering from it should be based on what is known as DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension, for its acronym in English), created in the 90s and focused on reducing sodium intake and increasing potassium intake.

“Sodium has to do with a mineral that attracts water, therefore when its consumption is high there will be more of this liquid circulating through the blood flow and therefore greater vascular activity,” Mazzei points out.

At the local level, data from the National Ministry of Health estimates that an average person consumes between 10 and 12 grams of salt per day. While what is recommended by the WHO is less than five grams per day, the equivalent of one teaspoon. “Likewise, salt is not ingested directly from the package but mostly through food, especially ultra-processed foods,” the nutritionist clarifies.

High blood pressure: the “DASH” diet is recommended for hypertensive people: it is based on the consumption of fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy products, lean meats and nuts Greens and Blues – Shutterstock

In relation to Potassium is responsible for counteracting the impact of sodium on the body, reducing its negative effects and relaxing the walls of blood vessels. In this sense, the United States National Library of Medicine recommends that a healthy adult man consume approximately 3.4 grams of potassium per day and a woman with the same characteristics, 2.5 grams.

Under this premise, the DASH diet “It is based on the consumption of fruits, vegetables, skim dairy products, lean proteins from birds and fish since they have Omega 3, a fatty acid that acts as a cardioprotector, and nuts. Although the amount of each food will depend on the nutritional requirements and needs of each person,” comments Julio Bragagnolo, doctor and head of the Nutrition and Diabetes unit at the Ramos Mejía Hospital and adds that the suggestion is to consume five servings of fruits and vegetables. per day: “A good way to ensure your intake is to eat vegetables at lunch and dinner in a proportion that takes up half of the plate; Then you can incorporate three fruits throughout the day,” he adds.

At the other end “The ideal is that alcohol, red meat because they contain saturated fats, sugary drinks and ultra-processed products should be prohibited.” such as snacks, sausages, canned foods, preserves, prepared soups and dressings, due to their high sodium levels,” Andersson details.

Ideally, a hypertensive person should avoid the consumption of alcohol, red meat, sugary drinks and ultra-processed products.shutterstock – Shutterstock

As mentioned by the specialists consulted, although there is no restriction on the intake of fruits and vegetables, there are some that stand out above the others. However, Bragagnolo clarifies that People who suffer from kidney failure should take special care not to exceed their potassium intake. since they run the risk of not being able to purify it from the blood and suffering heart problems, nausea and body weakness.

When selecting bananas, it is advisable to choose those with yellow skin with small brown dots since they are at the right point of ripeness.Shutterstock

This fruit It is known to be an important source of potassium, it houses a variety of nutrients that provide benefits to the body. In terms of Bragagnolo, it has to do with a very healthy food due to its nutritional composition: “A banana (100 grams) contains approximately 100 calories and 25% carbohydrates,” reveals the specialist. And he adds that another of the highlights and what makes it truly noble is that it has almost no fat, protein or cholesterol.

According to another report from Harvard University, thanks to its high level of potassium, promotes blood regulation and protects the cardiovascular system as it combats the negative effect of salt on the body and when this occurs, the walls of the blood vessels are deflated, blood pressure decreases and the development of cardiac pathologies such as strokes, heart attacks and thrombosis is counteracted.

A study carried out by the European Heart Journal, a journal of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC), revealed that, In women the effect of potassium to reduce sodium levels in their body is even greater than in men. And among the results, it was concluded that individuals with higher potassium intake had a 13% lower risk of suffering from cardiovascular diseases in relation to those who consumed it on a smaller scale.

The banana It is available throughout the year and according to Bragagnolo, when selecting them it is advisable choose those with yellow skin with small brown dots since in this instance they are at their right point of maturation.

To take advantage of the antihypertensive quality of tomatoes, they should be consumed without added salt.Shutterstock

It is a edible plant that contains phytochemicals, natural compounds with beneficial health effects, Among them, Bragagnolo says, they not only reduce high blood pressure, they also reduce the chances of developing other chronic diseases such as neurodegenerative and cardiovascular diseases. However, the professional clarifies that it is important Eat it alone, as it is, without added salt, or if required, you can add flavor from spices, otherwise “it will lose its antihypertensive quality.”

For every 100 grams of apple there are 107 milligrams of potassiumVincenzo De Bernardo – Shutterstock

Lucila Rosso, graduate in Nutrition (MN: 9757), describes the apple as a noble, complete and ideal food to keep the vital functions of the body in balance. Furthermore, it highlights that its consumption has no restrictions and is very well tolerated by the body. “What best characterizes this fruit is that it has a high water content: between 80 and 85% of its composition is liquid, so its consumption provides us with excellent hydration,” says the specialist.

However, also It is a source of potassium, “which is found in a proportion of 107 milligrams per 100 grams of apple.” Therefore, “it is key for those who suffer from high blood pressure,” adds Rosso. In relation to its consumption, to prevent it from losing its nutrients, the specialist advises eating it raw and fresh, even with the peel, to take advantage of the benefits of pectin, a natural fiber found there and that absorbs excess water and circulating toxins. by the organism.

100 grams of orange contains approximately 181 milligrams of potassiumShutterstock

The orange It is characterized by being a source of vitamin C, an essential micronutrient that contributes to the proper functioning of the immune system. But what little is said is that also It is rich in potassium: 100 grams of this food contains approximately 181 milligrams of potassium, Thus, this citrus becomes an ally for hypertensive people.

As the consulted specialists explain, The ideal is to consume it whole, which can be cut into wedges or, for example, mixed into salads: “When juices or smoothies are made, its structure is broken and consequently it loses its nutrients,” reveals Bragagnolo. In turn, the nutritionist highlights that within citrus, Kiwi, mandarin and grapefruit are also considered beneficial for patients with high blood pressure.

Finally, the nutritionist recommends a series of substitutes to leave out salt: “To make dishes tastier and not contain too much sodium, you can use spices and herbs. For example, when you prepare meat you can add bay leaf, nutmeg, pepper, thyme, oregano, sage, rosemary. If you are making fish, a good alternative is curry powder, dill or lemon. And the vegetables usually include a little basil, parsley, dill, cinnamon, rosemary.”

It is clear that food plays a key role in people’s lives: power or decrease the quality of life. However, the options that exist to eat in a healthy, natural and at the same time delicious way are endless. The secret lies in creativity, innovating and being encouraged to try.

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