The latest advances in the digitalization of healthcare have drawn a fascinating panorama in the field of health. A progress brought about by the substantial challenges currently faced by healthcare systems around the world, such as the adaptation and incorporation of constantly evolving technology, the need to guarantee the security and privacy of patient data, the efficient integration of interoperable systems, the management of a growing burden of chronic diseases and, very significantly, the complexities associated with an aging population.

Patients, now with greater control and knowledge about their treatment options, They demand solutions that are both accessible and personalized, which has led to an increased need for patient-centered approaches and educational programs in digital health. This is how they have come to prominence the so-called digital therapies or DTxan innovative category of solutions that uses software-based applications to deliver evidence-based therapeutic interventions aimed at the management and treatment of diseases and medical disorders.

Digital therapies provide a new dimension to patient care through personalized, data-driven treatments. In this way, the objective of achieving a sustainable health system is pursued that has improved care and monitoring, new care and training models, a care service for patient independence, new tools for professionals, secure, agile and flexible communications, as well as business solutions to improve efficiency.

Increasing the quality of health care can translate into an expansion of health care benefits, a reduction in the number of medical visits and waiting times and hospitalizations, and in the optimization of pharmacological treatment. The implementation of tools for professionals facilitates the monitoring of chronic patients and early intervention, real-time supervision and the improvement of communication channels. And, for its part, improving cost-effectiveness implies the reduction of the main items of health spending.

Thus, the integration of this type of therapies in public health systems presents a unique opportunity to restructure and optimize the allocation of limited resources in the healthcare sector. These innovative processes make it possible to transform medical care procedures and the interaction with traditional health information systems, such as electronic medical records, both at the individual, collective and community level, or personalized and optimized treatments. A development that advances in parallel with the evolution of patients towards a more active and empowered role in the management of their treatment.

A profitable business of uneven application

At a global level, DTx have emerged as such a significant force that in 2022: The global market for this type of technology reached a considerable figure of 6.5 billion euros, with new companies securing financing of 1.5 billion in this expanding sector.

For the healthcare industry, DTx offer opportunities for innovate and expand your markets. However, with this also comes the responsibility of ensuring that these innovations are safe, effective and accessible. Collaboration with regulators, healthcare professionals and patients is vital to developing products that not only meet regulatory standards, but also satisfy the real needs of users.

Additionally, the industry must consider sustainable business models that enable continued investment in research and development, while making DTx affordable and accessible to a wide range of users.

Nations such as the United States, Germany, France and Belgium, for example, have made significant progress in the implementation of these therapies, demonstrating its effectiveness in improving patient care, optimizing health resources with notable progress in its national health systems. Furthermore, these countries have not only adopted DTx, but have also established robust regulatory frameworks that ensure the quality and security of these digital interventions.

By contrast, Spaindespite having a solid health system and an advanced digital health infrastructure that includes shared medical records and electronic prescriptions in some Autonomous Communities, still navigating in an initial stage of adoption of DTx. The great challenge is to have specific regulations and standardized evaluation frameworks that can integrate these solutions into your National Health System (SNS).

However, technology is gaining prominence in the health sector and Pioneering projects driven by technology are already being developed in our country. For example, in 2019 The Hospital Clinic of Barcelona became the first 5G hospital in the country thanks to the approach of this technology to one of its operating rooms, with the aim of being able to record in audiovisual format and from all angles, the activity that takes place within it and being able to send information in real time.

Health professionals have long stood out the need to integrate TDx into their daily practices in an effective and ethical manner, but they face the enormous challenge of doing so in an already complex clinical framework. This requires not only a deep understanding of the technologies, but also the ability to evaluate their applicability and effectiveness in different clinical contexts. Furthermore, ongoing education and training are essential to ensure that professionals can adapt their clinical practice to these new tools and apply them effectively and safely.

On the part of patients, it is necessary Incorporate their voice in the development of DTx to ensure that these solutions are effective and focused on them. The voice of the user is a critical element that ensures that solutions are not unique and technically feasible, but are also aligned with user needs and expectations.

It is also essential develop strategies that promote digital inclusion and ensure that DTx are accessible to all, regardless of your geographic location, income level or education. This includes the implementation of affordable technologies, intuitive user interfaces, and education programs that train users to effectively use these tools.

Finally, its successful and sustainable integration into the health system requires a collaborative and multidisciplinary approach that addresses technical, clinical, ethical, social and economic aspects. The key to its success lies in the ability to balance innovation with accessibility, clinical effectiveness with user experience, and commercial aspirations with public health needs.

By addressing these challenges comprehensively, DTx will not only revolutionize health care, but also significantly and equitably improve the quality of life and well-being of people. Worldwide.

***Estela Díaz Jordá is Innovation Manager at Vodafone Business.