Day: June 23, 2024


Itziar Larizgoitia: “Young people consider the condom as something of the past, an old-fashioned thing”

Sexually transmitted infections continue to show large numbers in Euskadi. Gonorrhea cases have tripled in…

This is how a Canary Islands Award works: Asomasamen, a “pioneer” entity in mental health

The Canary Islands Gold Medal received by the Majorera Association for Mental Health (Asomasamen) on…

predictions of each sign about love, money and friendship

He Weekly horoscope with predictions for each sign of the zodiac corresponding to the week…

MENTAL HEALTH IN ALICANTE | Health creates units in the province to treat psychotic episodes

Each of the eight new health groups interdepartmental units of the Valencian Community will have…

Ibone Bengoetxea and Mikel Torres will be vice presidents with Zupiria in Security and Alberto Martínez in Health

The jeltzale Ibone Bengoetxea will be the first vice-lehendakari in the new Basque Government of…

predictions for health, love and money

Know sign by sign What does your horoscope have in store for you this Sunday,…

This is how sun cream deniers are dismantled

There are deniers of vaccines, climate change and even that the Earth is round. We…