Day: June 19, 2024


AECC: The largest Spanish philanthropic project against two of the cancers with the worst prognosis | Health & Wellness

The Spanish Association Against Cancer announced this Wednesday the largest Spanish philanthropic project to finance…

AECC: The largest Spanish philanthropic project against two of the cancers with the worst prognosis | Health & Wellness

The Spanish Association Against Cancer announced this Wednesday the largest Spanish philanthropic project to finance…

Health alleges that there are 25% more nurses than in 2018 and the opposition blames the flight of talent due to precariousness

From January to May of this year, the Andalusian Nursing Council has registered 588 resignations…

The Ministry of Health allocates 68 million euros to the autonomous communities to improve oral health

Analytical Cookies: Analytical cookies help website owners understand how visitors interact with websites by collecting…

MENTAL HEALTH SPAIN publishes the 2023 Activities Report

WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 126418 [post_author] => 2 [post_date] => 2024-06-19 12:03:01…

Could there be a new wave?

The latest weekly reports from the Acute Respiratory Infection Surveillance System indicate a growth in…

Manolo Lucas (Hnos. Fernández López): “With our work we offer health to consumers”

Interview with the head of the firm Hnos. Fernández López in Mercamadrid, Manolo Lucas Manolo…

Voices of resilience. Immigrant health in war-torn Sudan – Blog

Our website (the “Website”) uses a technology called “cookies” in order to be able…

8 myths about exercise you need to stop believing

When done right, exercise can be a true miracle drug. But if you follow the…