Day: May 31, 2024


A study reveals which molecules make us live longer and gives 5 tips to modify them

What molecules in the body determine how long and how healthy the birth process will…

The ancient Egyptians already treated cancer

The ancient Egyptians may have been at the beginning of cancer research: more than 4,000…

The Confederation addresses, in “CEU Talks”, the challenges of child and youth mental health

WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 125553 [post_author] => 2 [post_date] => 2024-05-31 09:00:53…

They detected lymphatic cancer. “Every time she gave me chemo, she stopped kicking.”

>THE NATION>lifestyleMay 31, 202402:19HearAgustina Iparraguirre was 23 years old when she became pregnant. She had…

The dental consultation detects almost 50% of high blood pressure

Early identification of these patients allows specific measures to be…

These are the other tumors related to tobacco

05/31/2024 at 04:01 CEST He smoking It is an addiction that is currently considered a…

These are the other tumors related to tobacco

He smoking It is an addiction that is currently considered a chronic disease. It is…

The illegal sale of electronic cigarettes to minors is camouflaged among social networks

Without a doubt, the consumption of electronic cigarettes among the youngest it has become a…

The illegal sale of electronic cigarettes to minors is camouflaged among social networks

A study in the United States discovers the use of TikTok and Instagram as the…