Day: May 31, 2024


Health monitors 125 municipalities in Andalusia with special attention to two regions of Seville and Cádiz

The campaign to control mosquitoes carrying the disease begins West Nile virus. The General Directorate…

The Reina Sofía Hospital insists on the enormous negative impact of smoking on health

It is especially necessary to influence the education of childhood and adolescence to prevent the…

Genetic variants can predict future breast cancer and its lethality

A study from the Stanford University School of Medicine (USA), which analyzed thousands of cases…

Radiation-free technique that could revolutionize breast cancer diagnosis

The clinical validation of a radiation-free technique, based on 3D tomographic ultrasound and supercomputing, has…

78% of work absenteeism comes from a loss of health

The data on work absenteeism in Spain is very worrying. And health has a lot…

Dental check-ups, key in the detection of oral cancer

On the occasion of World No Tobacco Day, which is celebrated on May 31, several…

Health advances a notable improvement in May waiting lists

Fernando Domínguez, Minister of Health of Navarra, in the plenary session this Friday.NEWS DIARYeleven The…

Plenary session on health in the Parliament of Navarra, which demands that the legal waiting periods be met

Plenary session on health in the Parliament of Navarra, which demands that the legal waiting…

The 10th March Against Cancer in Pamplona will take place on Sunday, June 16 | Current Pamplona

The Spanish Association against Cancer in Navarra presented this morning at Pamplona City Hall the…

These are the other tumors related to tobacco

He smoking It is an addiction that is currently considered a chronic disease. It is…