Day: May 21, 2024


Vaping could cause lung cancer in 15 years

New tobacco products such as vaping are increasingly gaining ground among adolescents between 13 and…

The dentist should be one of the key pieces in the health system of a society

This browser does not support the video element.Dental Triana provides a complete service to the…

Ryne Sandberg reveals that she no longer has signs of cancer

Ryne Sandberg reveals that she no longer has signs of cancer ","providerName":"Instagram","providerUrl":"","thumbnail_url":" 445285249_912788013937296_4235353471548749262_n.jpg?stp=dst-jpg_e35_p640x640_sh0.08& NvgEX-3xY&edm=AMO9-JQAAAAA&ccb=7-5&oh=00_AYA9eS0DSi1fL2E6BgfHiA3NuAwBrXpJCPM5jJNu8Ax70Q&oe=664D61EE&_nc_sid=cc8940","type":"oembed","width" :658,"contentType":"rich"},{"__typename":"Markdown","content":"“After…

An English oncologist who has faced a little-known enemy for decades warns about the future of treatments

HearMADRID.- Oncologist Kevin Harrington (London, 61 years old) has spent decades facing a little-known enemy…

Oncologists and politicians call for accelerating access to cancer drugs

Medical oncologists, representatives of scientific societies, federations and patient associations, as well as the pharmaceutical…

George Hruza, the dermatologist who monitors the skin for not being able to hear the heart

After years of vocation in medical profession May exist multiple motivations. But sometimes the reason…

Today’s teens could get cancer at 30 if they continue vaping

Scientific evidence shows that vaping has the same harmful impact as conventional tobacco Vaping devices…

Today’s teens could get cancer at 30 if they continue vaping

Europa Press 05/21/2024 3:12 p.m. The serious consequences of vaping in adolescenceScientific evidence shows that…

What are the symptoms of this type of cancer?

At 48 years old, Asma al Assad suffers from acute myeloid leukemia. File image voting…

Immunotherapy may possibly be the treatment that ends the cancer nightmare

For two days they will meet at the University of Salamanca near 200 oncology professionals…