How to lower tension quickly naturally

Some remedies to lower tension quickly are to exercise daily, moderate salt consumption, reduce alcohol, eat foods rich in potassium, manage and reduce stress, consume dark chocolate and cocoa, not smoke, watch your weight and drink juice. lemon, among others.

The tendency to have high blood pressure or hypertension is one of the most common conditions in the world, due, in part, to the lifestyle that has been acquired in recent decades. A sedentary lifestyle, a high-fat diet, stress, or even genetic inheritance can influence and condition your body so that blood pressure is higher than normal. If this happens, you have a higher risk of heart disease or stroke.

However, although a doctor’s attention is necessary in case of high blood pressure, there are a series of tips that you can use in your daily routine to gradually lower your blood pressure and, if you have a tendency for it to be high, help keep it more stable. In this new unCOMO article we give you advice on how to lower tension quickly naturally.


  1. Exercise daily
  2. Moderate salt consumption
  3. Reduce alcohol
  4. Eat foods rich in potassium
  5. Reduce or eliminate caffeine
  6. Manage and reduce stress
  7. Eat dark chocolate or cocoa
  8. Take care of your weight
  9. Do not smoke
  10. Eat berries
  11. Do meditation or deep breathing
  12. Eat foods rich in calcium
  13. Take natural supplements
  14. Eat foods rich in magnesium
  15. Eat a healthy diet
  16. Drink infusions to lower high blood pressure
  17. Drink lemon juice
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Exercise daily

For your blood pressure to be normal, the most important thing is to have a strong heart that pumps blood well and healthy blood vessels, so you have to take good care of them and help them. Here you can consult what are the normal blood pressure values.

For this, if there are no cardiac pathologies that contradict it, it is best to exercise to train and strengthen this vital organ and its entire system. With only 30 or 45 minutes of daily exerciselike a simple walk, you will be helping your body fight high blood pressure.

Moderate salt consumption

Our body is designed to be able to process sodium, that is, salt, and we need it to be healthy, but always in the appropriate measure. Thus, the excess salt in foods, as is the case with precooked foods, can be harmful to our body in the long run. Although sodium should not be completely eliminated from our diet, we must be very careful with the amounts. Therefore, if you have recently seen with your doctor or pharmacist that you have high levels, to lower tension quickly naturally You’ll want to start by reducing your salt consumption.

How to lower blood pressure quickly naturally - Moderate salt consumption

Reduce alcohol

They say that a glass of wine a day can be very beneficial for our body, but the reality is that alcohol is an enemy for our body and, in particular, for the proper functioning of our arteries and heart. If you do not want to stop consuming it, you must moderate the amount of alcohol you take. If you suffer from high blood pressure, you should clarify with your doctor if reducing it is enough in your case or if it is necessary to don’t drink any alcohol.

Eat foods rich in potassium

If sodium has become an enemy for our blood pressure, potassium is an ally. This important mineral is responsible for get rid of excess sodium in the body, so we must include foods that contain it in our daily diet, such as bananas, dairy products, nuts and vegetables, these being foods to lower blood pressure quickly.

In this link you will see more Foods rich in potassium.

Reduce or eliminate caffeine

For many people, coffee, tea and other caffeinated products are the best allies to wake up and be productive. However, the caffeine it contains, in the long run, can become an enemy that increase blood pressure and cause complications. Therefore, if you suspect that you are sensitive to caffeine or you are aware that you drink a lot, try to moderate your consumption or eliminate it altogether.

Here you can learn tips on how to quit coffee and in this other post you can discover a variety of foods with caffeine that you will have to reduce or eliminate from your diet.

How to lower tension quickly naturally - Reduce or eliminate caffeine

Manage and reduce stress

Stress is one of the factors that is most related to a variety of problems and, in fact, it is related to high blood pressure levels. This factor is linked to our lifestyle and what is happening to us and how we manage it. The best thing would be that if you are going through a moment of stress, you give yourself a space to disconnect and relax or even go to some type of therapy that helps you to manage it in order to reduce it and also improve the problem of high blood pressure.

In this other article you can learn how to reduce stress naturally.

Eat dark chocolate or cocoa

Natural cocoa, or dark chocolate, without added sugar or milk, is a food that can help us a lot to lower blood pressure or hypertensionsince it has flavonoids, which help dilate the arteries reducing the tension in them.

You may be interested in this article about pure cocoa: properties, benefits and contraindications.

How to lower blood pressure quickly naturally - Eat dark chocolate or cocoa

Take care of your weight

If you want to know how to lower blood pressure quickly, it is best to start by asking yourself if you are within your ideal weight. Obesity and overweight are determining factors when it comes to suffering from cardiovascular conditions, since the heart and blood vessels have to make more efforts to pump and carry blood everywhere. Thus, having a Healthy weight It is the first step to start having the normal blood pressure.

Do not smoke

We have known for some time that smoking causes various health problems, some mild and others very serious, and even fatal. Regular smoking not only temporarily increases blood pressure, but tobacco componentsin the long run, end up damaging our tissues, including the arterial ones, returning to the weakest arteries.

Enter here and learn some Tricks to quit smoking without anxiety.

Eat berries

Berries are fruits that, in addition to being tasty, contain polyphenols. These components help a lot reduce blood pressure elevated or high blood pressure, as well as to prevent heart disease.

Some of the most suitable are the famous Goji berries, so here you can read about What are the properties of Goji berries.

How to lower blood pressure quickly naturally - Eat berries

Do meditation or deep breathing

Having stress as a risk factor, one of the tools that can work the most immediately in reduce high blood pressure It is, without a doubt, meditation and deep breathing techniques, which will make your tension drop significantly in a matter of minutes.

These deep breaths help oxygenation of the blood and relaxation of the bodywhich facilitates the proper functioning of the organs or, at least, prevents some conditions from getting much worse.

In this other article we tell you How to learn to meditate.

How to lower tension quickly naturally - Do meditation or deep breathing

Eat foods rich in calcium

They don’t have to be just dairy. Tofu, nuts or green leafy vegetables are sources of calcium that help to have a good arterial healthsince they promote controlled blood pressure, which also facilitates good tension in the arteries.

Discover this list of Foods rich in calcium.

Take natural supplements

If, in addition, we want to give our body a plus, we can choose to take natural supplements to reduce high blood pressure as they can be:

  • Fish oil.
  • Aged garlic extract.
  • Whey protein.
  • Berberine.
  • Hibiscus flower.
How to lower blood pressure quickly naturally - Take natural supplements

Eat foods rich in magnesium

Magnesium is an essential mineral in our diet, which helps us relax blood vessels and, therefore, to regulate blood pressure. Some of the best-known foods that contain it are legumes and whole grains.

Here you can learn about Foods with magnesium.

Eat a healthy diet

With this entire list, it is clear that one of the best home remedies to lower high blood pressure is to wear a balanced diet and healthy that combines all types of nutrients in the right quantities so that our body is as balanced and strong as possible.

You can learn ideas about How to organize a healthy menu in this other post.

Drink infusions to lower high blood pressure

If you also want to try taking some natural remedy, you can try it with infusions to lower blood pressure quickly. These can be:

  • Horsetail tea.
  • Valerian tea.
  • Olive leaf tea.
  • Jamaica flower tea.
  • Birdseed tea.

Discover more about The best infusions to reduce tension by entering this other article. Remember that you should always consult your doctor before applying home remedies or natural remedies, especially if you already apply some or if you take medications.

How to lower blood pressure quickly naturally - Drink herbal teas to lower high blood pressure

Drink lemon juice

Finally, we recommend that you drink enough fluids, since to lower blood pressure fast you need to help the arteries dilate and contract well, so good hydration is necessary and also making sure fluids move well. The diuretic and moisturizing properties of water and juices will be beneficial to regulate the tension of the arteries.

Among the juices, one that is highly recommended is lemon juicesince it contains a lot of potassium which, as we have indicated before, is beneficial for the proper functioning of the arteries.

Now that you know how to lower blood pressure quickly naturally, we recommend you read this other post about Foods to lower blood pressure.

This article is merely informative, at unCOMO we do not have the power to prescribe any medical treatment or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to go to a doctor if you have any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to How to lower tension quickly naturallywe recommend that you enter our Diseases and side effects category.