A urologist for more than thirty years, Blanca Madurga presents a simple manual, ‘Everything you need to know about the penis and never dared to ask’, to address issues for those men who avoid a physical consultation.

The new generations enjoy and enjoy sex. We grow, we reproduce (although less and less in the West) and we die. However, throughout our lives we are inundated with questions that freely circulate in our heads about our reproductive organits function, how to take advantage of it and its changes, because yes, they also age with us.

Specific, the male apparatus, and especially the penis, is the protagonist of this conversation. The urologist Blanca Madurga Patuel (Valencia, 1959) takes us into a topic that awakens that uncomfortable laughter, which affects the ego of many men and which afflicts the health of many of them.

The penis is an organ that attracts a lot concern, concern and curiosity. From male sexual health, size and erection, diseases that can affect personal well-being, to the best way to care for it and the changes that occur in it over the years.

In men, the penis is a sign of masculinity, it is something that identifies him. How important is it that they feel fulfilled in their sexual activity, or that they feel that they have good use of their member, are they elements that go together?
Sexual activity is innate in human beings. You take off a baby’s diaper and the first thing he does is go to touch himself, he puts his little hand on his genitals. Because? Because he likes it. We are animals, who by having the index and thumb with the ability to put them together, what is called the intelligent clamp, we have evolved. But we are animals that are made to be born, grow, reproduce and die. And the reproduction is sex.
Sex enters our DNA, from there, the human being has taken it to another level, we not only have sex to reproduce, but simply to enjoy and enjoy it, logically both men and women, a relationship Satisfying sexual enlarges us, releases endorphins. It is very healthy on all levels, and of course, at a very important level which is the psychological level, it frees us.
If it is very important to them, why don’t they pay enough attention to the genital apparatus until it fails?
Well, because they can’t afford to fail. They are macho, they are virile and They never fail, until they fail.. They have a hard time recognizing that they may have a problem. Many times when they come to see you you feel like saying: why haven’t you come a year ago? You have spent a year bitter about something stupid, because many times it is nonsense, but it generates a lot of anxiety and a lot depression.
When they are already edge of the abyss is when they say: “I’m going to go to the doctor” and they come with shamethey come as if they were murderers and they come to confess to a murder, well no, sorry, you have a problem, you come to the the right place to go to the doctor. The doctor is going to help you, the doctor is not going to judge you. Don’t waste time making your existence miserable by being able to solve a problem today, dont wait a year or two years to solve it.

What would be the factors that influence not having total or complete skill in the sexual act?
This is a learning, what we cannot consider is the sexual act as an obligation or a duty. I am going to have a sexual relationship with my partner and I am going to enjoy it and I am going to reach orgasm, and my partner is going to enjoy it and reach orgasm. Sometimes it is like that, but sometimes it is not like that and it should not be given so much importance, simply you have to jump in and enjoy. You have to go down the slide with your arms raised, sometimes you reach orgasm and sometimes you may not. But you have enjoyed the entire journey and skills, like everything in life, are acquired with experience.
Logically how much the more you know yourself first, your body, your sexuality, what you like and can share with a stable partner, your sexual relationships will be better because you will be able to share what you like, what you don’t like, what you want at a certain time and what you don’t feel like at another. That’s good, communication is good and that’s what gives you experience.

“When they are on the brink of the abyss is when they say: “I’m going to go to the doctor” and they come with shame, as if they were going to confess to a murder. No, sorry, you have a problem, you are in the right place”

And when a man feels that he cannot fulfill that function, what is recommended?
Go to the andrologist. Nowadays we have many means and many methods to improve your erectile capacity. In addition, erectile dysfunction It is a symptom that men. Normally when they are jyouth or young male adults, it occurs due to an underlying pathology because they are obese, because they are hypertensive, because they are smokers, because they take drugs or because they drink too much alcohol. Those are reasons to have erectile dysfunction.
In the patient who is a little older, logically gets old and its erections they will not have the same quality and nor the duration that he had before, he can replace it with experiences. If that person has known how to take advantage of his sexual life and has experience, penetration is not necessary to have an orgasm for either party, neither for the man nor for his partner. He can work on sex from other perceptions, but if that causes him a deterioration of your quality of lifelet there be no doubt that the andrologist it will help you.

What is the role of women when accompanying men to the doctor?
If it is your partner it is the best role, when there is a problem in a sexual relationship it is a problem of two. Logically, what better than having your partner accompany you to be able to intervene in a process of healing a problem or an illness? It’s good. There is no need to have taboos. If you have secrets with your partner, evil. It’s not that sex is going wrong, it’s that everything else is going wrong, so the rapport between a stable couple is great and the more communication and sincerity there is between the couple, the better. Sexual problems that may arise will be solved.
Mentioning sexually transmitted infections, how do they impact the functioning of the penis, and which ones can leave long-term traces?
All sexually transmitted diseases can leave a mark on the penis, and also, not only in the penis, but the rest of the body. For example, there are diseases like syphilis which has already been recorded since the time of Christopher Columbus. It is a disease that first appears as an ulcer on the penis. That ulcer disappears even without treatment, but what it doesn’t go away it’s the disease and that man is going to continuously transmit that disease to all the partners he has. He believes that since that ulcer has healed he is healthy, and no, he ends up generating a generalized syphiliswhich can lead to death.

There is a belief that men do not need a urologist, or to have checkups, what can help them change this perspective?
It is not taboo to talk about male sexualityone has to demystify, we have to talk about it a lot and publish it more through the media so that they realize that their problems are not as big as they believe, nor are they as exclusive as they believe. Until recently it was taboo to talk about menopausemenopause is now talked about openly.
This is exactly the same, men have to go to the urologist From the age of 50, it is mandatory that they go to the prostate cancer prevention. If they have a problem, if they are not satisfied with their sexual life, then the andrologist is there to help you and absolutely nothing happens.

Blanca Madurga Angel Navarrete

The dreaded ‘trigger shot’, at what ages can it occur and why?
It happens especially in young menLook, in young, healthy men. It can happen for multiple things: issues, prior intake of alcohol, of cannabis, of cocaine or any other substance can cause a trigger or even, due to the fear of first relationships, shame, the fear of not being up to par due to lack of experience. It’s all psychological and absolutely nothing happens.
If you have a trigger, you try again, it is very normal and It happens to the vast majority of men at some stage of his life. They tell me: “No, he had gone out one night drinking and he had seven drinks with him and he hooked up with a very cute girl, and it didn’t work out.” Of course, because you carry alcohol with you to disinfect a wound.

When this problem happens more than once, what should be done?
He trigger when it becomes entrenched, when it becomes chronic because the patient gets very scared, does not comment on it, does not ask for help or does not ask for information because it stops the trigger, when it happens onceyou don’t have to ask for help but yes information to make sure that that is normal. The circumstance is found very easily and that’s it, you try again, nothing happens but this time without seven drinks or without two joints.
So when it becomes entrenched, it will cause erectile dysfunction because you will be afraid that it will happen again, so you will no longer try it, and when suddenly time passes and you want to try again, they have it in their memories the trigger. But it is not a problem of erectile dysfunction itself, it is a psychological problem. We have to get that trigger out of his head and put him back on the road.
Recent studies show that the quality of men’s semen has decreased. What could be the reason for this?
A poor quality of lifea bad diet, right now the products are highly processed and it has made semen quality decreasesthey have fewer and fewer sperm and there are more and more fertility problems, environmental pollution too affects semen. The most prepared food, the most billed, fast food, all of that contains too many things that do not benefit us.

If the health habits that men carry in their youth are decisive for a better future and semen quality, would this mean that younger men should be more aware of their daily habits?
Of course, since childhood. It causes a little damage to my eyes when I see children in strollers, who are barely walking yet, who are already carrying a bag full of candy. These obese children are already the breeding ground for an adult diabeticfrom an adult hypertensivefrom an adult cardiopath. And any of those things will generate a erectile dysfunction.
We have all been young and when you are young you actually think that you are not going to die or get old, but no, you are going to get old because we all get old and blessed old age. I understand that they like to party, that one day they drink and one day they smoke, that’s fine, what they cannot do is make that their habit of life, because then they are going to pay for it and they are going to pay for it early ages.
The worse their youth is, in terms of taking care of their diet, their sports and so on, from the age of 40 or 50 they will plummet. It is not a question that they have to be on a diet of a lettuce leaf and a glass of water, of course not, and that one day it is a party, of course it is, but be careful, that day is not every day because If that day becomes every day your sexuality is going to last you a very short time.

Everything you need to know about the penis and never dared to ask

Blanca Madurga

Planeta Editorial. 224 pages. 17.95 euros. You can buy it here.