The Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology(DISGUST), one of the most important events in the world in the field of Oncology, was held from May 29 to June 2 in Chicago, United States. This 2024 edition has brought together thousands of health professionals, including doctors, researchers, nurses, pharmacists and patients, with the aim of sharing the latest advances in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer.

Among all the companies that participated in this great event, the British biopharmaceutical company GSK stands out. To find out about their contributions and participation in ASCO, Salud35 has interviewed Sergio Ostale, director of the Oncohematology area from GSK Spain.

What are the main novelties that you have presented in this edition of ASCO?

As we always say, in the GSK Oncohematology area we have a clear mission: together transform cancer into hope. Under that premise we work every day uniting science, technology and the best of talent. Our commitment to bringing hope to people with cancer was realized once again at this year’s ASCO meeting with the presentation of new data for our drugs belantamabmafodotin, dostarlimab, niraparib and momelotinib. We present a total of 25 abstracts with 7 oral presentations. Among all of them I would like to highlight the data that they have presented of the DREAMM-8 study with our multiple myeloma treatment drug, belantamabmafodotin. This phase III study compares belantamabmafodotin in combination with pomalidomide plus dexamethasone (PomDex), versus a standard of care (bortezomib plus PomDex), as treatment after first relapse for patients with relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma.

Positive results from an interim analysis were announced in March of this year as the trial was unblinded earlier than planned by recommendation of the Independent Data Monitoring Committee because its primary endpoint of progression-free survival was met at a prespecified interim analysis. The results that we have presented now, which were shared in a session late breaking and were selected to be part of the congress press program, show that the combination of belantamabmafodotin reduced the risk of disease progression or death in almost 50% compared to the standard of treatment for this disease.

“This commitment we have made to providing hope to people with cancer has materialized once again at this year’s ASCO conference with the presentation of new data on our drugs”

Furthermore, since Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center of New York are going to present updated data on the collaborative study that we have condostarlimab underway in rectal cancer. These data come after those presented at the ASCO 2022 and Japanese Society of Medical Oncology congresses in 2023. The first data from this study were at the time very encouraging, showing a complete remission of rectal cancer in all study participants. Well, those who are presented now continue on the same path and we continue to see unprecedented results: no evidence of disease in 100% of patients with locally advanced rectal cancer with deficiency of the mismatch repair system (dMMR) in phase II of this study. This innovative immuno-oncology drug It is currently being used for the treatment of endometrial cancer, the most common gynecological cancer in developed countries, with approximately 417,000 new cases reported each year worldwide. We at the company have been saying for some time that we believe that dostarlimab has the potential to be a key immuno-oncology therapy in the treatment of cancer in general and the new data that have now been presented support this.

What objectives did the company set at the congress?

Our objective in attending this congress has been share and keep learning of the scientific community to continue working daily, together, to transform cancer into hope. We are committed to maximizing the potential of our approved and investigational medicines, alone or in combination, to improve patients’ lives and stay ahead of the disease.

How far do you see the approval of the pharmaceutical products that you have in development by the competent authorities?

We focus on maximize survival of the patient through the development of innovative medicines for hematological malignancies, gynecological cancers and other solid tumors through advances in immuno-oncology and therapies targeting tumor cells, in addition to, of course, collaboration with other entities. Our goal is to achieve a sustainable pipeline of new treatments based on a diversified portfolio of medicines, either alone or in combination. As of today, we have 13 molecules being studied in monotherapy or in combinations in more than 20 clinical trials in different phases. 8 of these studies are in phase III, so we hope to have new treatments in our portfolio in the medium term.

What important milestones do you hope to achieve this year in terms of research and development in oncology?

In the short term, and focusing on Spain, we hope to soon be able to make the first and only immuno-oncological treatment funded for first-line treatment for this type of gynecological cancer. In our country it is the fourth most common tumor in women, with 7,305 new cases estimated for this year 2024. The majority of women who suffer from advanced endometrial cancer experience progression of the disease given the poor long-term results offered by the treatment. current standard. With the front-line availability of this novel treatment, the number of patients who can benefit from this drug in Spain is expanding, including women whose disease is in an earlier stage.

“In the short term, and focusing on Spain, we hope to soon be able to make the first and only immuno-oncological treatment funded for first-line treatment available to endometrial cancer patients”

We are also working closely with the Spanish health authorities to help myelofibrosis patients have a new therapeutic option. Myelofibrosis is a rare blood cancer caused by deregulation of the JAK signal transducer and activator of transcription protein signaling. Specifically, myelofibrosis patients with a cytopenic phenotype, that is, patients who present with anemia or thrombocytopenia, are considered an entity with unmet medical needs, because the efficacy of the drugs available to date is limited.

Our drug, momelotinib, is the first medicine authorized in the EU for splenomegaly (enlarged spleen) or disease-related symptoms in adult patients with moderate to severe anemia who have primary myelofibrosis, post-polycythemia vera myelofibrosis, or post-essential thrombocythemia myelofibrosis and who have not received Janus kinase inhibitors (JAK) previously or have been treated with ruxolitinib.