Shortly before the Covid-19 pandemic captured global attention, a silent but significant change in health statistics occurred in Chile: cancer became the leading cause of death in the country.

receive a cancer diagnosis changes life and More and more people and young people are facing this harsh reality. Cancer can cause a variety of ongoing health concerns and although many types of cancer can be treated effectively through surgery, radiotherapy or chemotherapy if detected early, they can also be treated effectively. There are complementary strategies that can significantly improve the quality of life and survival of patients.

He Cancer is a chronic non-communicable disease caused by a lack of control in the normal growth of cells in the body and that, in advanced stages of the disease, they can multiply and invade nearby and distant tissues, which is called metastasis.

The latest report from the Department of Health Statistics and Information of the Ministry of Health (DEIS) shows that Every year about 28,000 people die from cancer. Estimates from the International Association for Cancer Research (AIRC) are even more alarming, projecting that By 2040, cancer deaths will reach 55,000 and new diagnosed cases will reach 94,800, which represents an increase of 77.6% in the next 19 years.

In addition to conventional therapies to treat cancer, there are other complementary support strategies that can help improve outcomes of the treatment of cancer patients, whether in their quality of life, survival, and the person’s experience during the process.

These three key strategies can help improve the treatment of cancer patients

Physical exercise, adapted to the patient’s health conditions, is increasingly being recognized as an effective way to improve outcomes for cancer patients. As Science Alert explains, this therapeutic approach stimulates the immune system by increasing the number of cancer-fighting immune cells, both in the blood circulation and in tumor tissue, identifying and eliminating cancer cells.

Regular exercise can help improve the overall well-being and quality of life of cancer patients. This includes reducing fatigue, relieving stress and anxiety, and improving mood and self-esteem.

Fatigue is a common symptom among cancer patients, especially during and after treatment. Exercise, even at moderate levels, has been shown to be effective in reducing fatigue, helping patients maintain their energy and functionality.

Additionally, exercise promotes the release of signaling molecules called myokines, which are attached to skeletal muscle, which not only strengthen the immune response, but also slow the growth of cancer cells and promote their cell death. The greater the muscle mass, the greater the amount of myokines that are released, even when a person is at rest.

Physical exercise also helps reduce the side effects of cancer treatment, such as fatigue, muscle and bone loss, and fat gain. Also reduces the risk of develop chronic diseases such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes, while helping to maintain or improve the quality of life and mental health of cancer patients.

Emerging research suggests that exercise can enhance the effectiveness of conventional treatments such as chemotherapy and the radiotherapy. It also prepares patients for surgery by improving cardiorespiratory fitness, reducing systemic inflammation, increasing muscle mass, strength and physical function, and facilitating postoperative rehabilitation.

Regular exercise can help reduce the risk of recurrence of cancer. This may be due to a combination of factors, such as improving immune function, reducing inflammation, and regulating hormones related to cancer growth.

These combined benefits explain why Cancer patients who maintain regular physical activity experience significantly better survival outcomeswith a relative risk of death from cancer reduced by up to 40% to 50% compared to those who are less active.

Cancer diagnosis and treatment can be extremely stressful. Psycho-oncology provides strategies to manage stress and anxiety, which can improve patients’ emotional and physical well-being. Techniques such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and guided meditation are common tools.

This approach plays a crucial role in address the psychological, social, behavioral and emotional aspects of both the patient and their caregivers and family members. It aims to maintain or improve the patient’s quality of life and mental health, addressing emotional distress, anxiety, depression, sexual health, coping strategies, personal identity and relationships.

By supporting the patient’s quality of life and happiness, psycho-oncology not only has a positive impact on emotional well-being, but can also influence the patient’s physical health, their response to physical exercise, their resilience to diseases and treatments. .

Adherence to treatment is essential for its success. Patients who receive psychological support tend to follow medical instructions better and complete their treatments, which can lead to better clinical outcomes.

Psycho-oncology helps patients develop coping skills and resilience to manage the challenges of living with cancer. This includes techniques for coping with pain, uncertainty, and changes in daily life.

It has been observed that high levels of distress or anxiety can trigger physiological stress responses that promote cancer progression through hormonal and inflammatory mechanisms. Therefore, it is essential to provide support for the patient’s mental health to improve outcomes in cancer treatment and promote an internal environment that promotes the patient’s recovery and comprehensive well-being.

A healthy diet can strengthen the body to fight cancer and help tolerate and recover from medical or surgical treatments. A diet rich in essential nutrients helps maintain the patient’s energy and strength. This is particularly important during cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy, which can cause extreme fatigue and weakness. By consuming nutritious foods, patients can improve their resistance and ability to cope with treatments.

A balanced diet strengthens the immune system, which is vital for cancer patients. A strong immune system can help fight infections and respond better to treatments. Nutrients such as vitamins A, C and E, and minerals such as zinc and selenium, play an important role in immune function.

Some foods have anti-inflammatory properties that may be beneficial for cancer patients. Inflammation creates a more hospitable environment for cancer cells, so a diet that reduces inflammation and excess fat may be beneficial. This usually involves avoid processed foods and eat anti-inflammatory foods such as fruits, vegetables, fatty fish, and nuts can help reduce inflammation and improve the patient’s overall health.

Malnutrition and cachexia (an extreme form of weight and muscle loss) are common in cancer patients, especially in advanced stages. A diet rich in protein, calories, and essential nutrients can prevent these conditions, maintaining muscle mass and body weight.which is crucial for recovery and quality of life.

Maintaining a healthy weight is essential for cancer patients. Obesity is associated with a higher risk of recurrence and a worse prognosis in several types of cancer. On the other hand, an excessively low weight can weaken the patient and make recovery difficult. A balanced diet helps maintain an adequate body weight, thus optimizing the results of the treatment.

Good nutrition can also have a positive impact on the mental health of cancer patients. Nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids, B vitamins, and magnesium are linked to improving mood and reducing anxiety and depression, helping patients better cope with the emotional challenges of the disease.

Some studies suggest that a balanced diet can influence the survival of cancer patients. Although diet alone cannot cure cancer, proper nutrition can complement medical treatments and contribute to better long-term results.

In summary, physical exercise, psycho-oncology, and diet are critical tools in supportive care for cancer patients, and can significantly improve outcomes when used in combination with medical treatments.

Although none of these “cure” cancer on their own, integrating these practices into a comprehensive treatment plan not only optimizes physical health, but also supports emotional and mental well-being, providing cancer patients with a stronger foundation to cope with the disease and improve their long-term prospects. This holistic approach underscores the importance of treating the patient holistically, considering all aspects of their health and well-being to achieve the best possible results.