For the second consecutive year we experienced a night full of emotion and solidarity with the celebration of the II Edition Fight with Care and the great Charity Gala in Support of Research Against Cancer Cancerorganized by La Roche Posay and TELVA, which renew their alliance in this commitment to a disease that affects us all, directly or indirectly.

Sergio Cobos, general commercial director of Unidad Editorial, Olga Ruiz, director of TELVA, Mónica Serra, general director of La Roche Posay, Laura Múgica, general director of Unidad Editorial, Rocío Valenzuela, general director Dermatological Beauty of La Roche Posay, and Lucía Francesch, deputy director of TELVA.Luis Camacho and Flaminia Pelazzi.

Olga Ruiz, director of TELVA, She excitedly highlighted in her speech, “it would be an honor for TELVA to help La Roche Posay spread the oncological project of the dermocosmetic universe.” And, above all, do it by supporting science. Because even though cancer cases are increasing, Olga insisted that “statistics are there to be broken, and only science and research can do it. So let’s give them wings.”


Our best guests at the II Fight with Care Charity Gala by TELVA and La Roche Posay for research

Our best guests at the II Fight with Care Charity Gala by TELVA and La Roche Posay for research

Mónica Serra, General Director La Roche Posay, He recalled in his speech how “two years ago this beautiful collaboration between TELVA and La Roche Posay was born, who believe in the responsibility of creating a positive effect on society.” And he added that “TELVA, with great elegance and generosity, uses its influence and its voice to do a lot for this cause. This night fills me with pride because it shows that together we can leave a positive mark.”

Laura Múgica, general director of Unidad Editorial and Olga Ruiz, director of TELVA, together with the La Roche Posay team, the Piel Sana Foundation of the AEDV and members of the GEPAC,Luis Camacho and Flaminia Pelazzi.

In a unique setting, the Teatro Real in Madrid, more than 200 people attended this dinner to support Cancer research and which featured several special moments throughout the night. The most important, the delivery by Mónica Serra, general director of La Roche Posay, of a very generous check of 100,000 euros to contribute to research projects of the National Cancer Research Center. The researcher collected it in her name. María Blasco, director of the CNIO, flagship of cancer research in our country. Upon receiving it, he highlighted the work of the Center he directs: “At the CNIO we are about 600 researchers and almost 70 percent are women. We investigate how to prevent, diagnose and treat cancer. We are second in Europe in this field and we are among the 10 first in the world for the impact of our publications”. María Blasco defended that “the most important thing is talent. Attracting and retaining it is our challenge and that is why we created Friends of the CNIO, where this aid that TELVA & La Roche Posay gives us goes, and which is allocated to talent, to new contracts to retain and attract researchers. Talent is the only thing that brings new ideas, funds and excellence, so thank you for your support,” he assured in his speech of thanks to the attendees.

Mónica Serra, general director of Roche Posay and Isabel Castillejo, director of Medical Relations and Scientific Communication at L’Oreal, present the check to María Blasco.Luis Camacho and Flaminia Pelazzi.

Various personalities from the world of science and health wanted to witness this unforgettable moment and supported TELVA and La Roche Posay on such a special night. Also from the world of sports such as Susana Rodríguez, Paralympic triathlon champion, Alejandro Galán, the best paddle tennis player in the world; and friends of the header and the brand, such as María Pombo, Mar Lucas, Laura Escanes, María G de Jaime, Tomás Páramo, Carlos Peguero and Andrea Duro.

María G. de Jaime, Tomás Paramo, María Pombo and Laura Escanes.Luis Camacho and Flaminia Pelazzi.


All the photos from the II Gala Fight with Care by TELVA & La Roche Posay party

All the photos from the II Gala Fight with Care by TELVA & La Roche Posay party

La Roche Posay: at the forefront of support for cancer patients

La Roche Posay is an essential ally for TELVA in this adventure in favor of Cancer research and which is in its second edition. Without a doubt, a brand that has been working for years with the main scientific societies on prevention campaigns and training health professionals in the care of patients’ skin. It has 42 units, both in public and private Spanish hospitals, where the patient receives training and information on the most appropriate dermocosmetic care to improve the side effects that oncological therapies cause on their skin. It also collaborates with the CNIO, an international reference center, financing oncological research projects within the Friends of the CNIO initiative.

For the brand, training is one of the most important pillars. A clear example is the work carried out in different hospitals with those specialists who actively intervene in the patient’s oncological process, especially Oncologists, Radio oncologists and nursing staff. As a matter of fact, during the In the last 6 years they have been able to train more than 13,000 pharmacists.

La Roche Posay has 5 ranges for skin care for cancer patients.Luis Camacho and Flaminia Pelazzi.

But he not only cares for those who treat the disease, but also for those who suffer from it. And they do it with a menu of products that form a total of 5 ranges for skin care and makeup with which they manage to improve the appearance and appearance of the skin, something that has a great impact on the patient’s quality of life. .

TELVA, for its part, has always made cancer visible, the experts who fight it through science, the people who suffer from it and their families and support networks. And he has done it through his reports, interviews and podcasts.

Because it is a disease that must be made visible: according to the International Cancer Research Center, an organization dependent on the World Health Organization, in 2022 there were 20 million new cases of cancer and in 2050 there will be 35 million, which represents an increase of 77%. Furthermore, in the last 30 years, new cases in people under 50 years of age have increased by 79% on a global scale. Therefore, today it is more important than ever to stop the growth of this disease and research is crucial: that is why TELVA and La Roche Posay join forces in this wonderful project.

Pau Donés: our Courage Award 2024

In the fight against this disease we cannot forget the most important, the true protagonists: the patients. Making their struggle and bravery visible is our commitment and was the reason why we established the TELVA/LA ROCHE POSAY Award Icon of Courage within this charity gala and that the previous year went to the singer Luz Casal.

In this edition, Olga Ruiz and Mónica Serra have given it, posthumously, to the singer Pau Donés. and that he picked up his sister on a very exciting night. As his brother Marc told us in a recent interview on TELVA, “although Pau fled from pretension and never told anyone how they should live, he left us a great life lesson without intending to. He looked the disease in the face because that was his attitude towards life.

Olga Ruiz and Mónica Serra present the award to Isabel, Pau Donés’ sister.

Next, the Jarabe de Palo Tribute performance took place, made especially for TELVA, and which was a fragment of the tribute that is currently on tour and has already toured 18 cities with a tribute to Pau as a musician and as a person. The guests sang with the group four of their most recognized songs: La flaca, Depends, Grita and Eso que tú me gives.

Part of the Tributo a Jarabe de Palo group that played live at the gala.Luis Camacho and Flaminia Pelazzi.

Solidarity bingo

But the night had more surprises in store. So that all attendees could contribute their bit, we organized a fun bingo whose proceeds went to projects carried out by GEPAC, the Spanish Group of Cancer Patients.

Among the prizes that could be won and that had been donated by some of the La Roche Posay ambassadors: a t-shirt belonging to Susana Rodríguez, Paralympic triathlon champion; a lycra from Saúl Craviotto, canoeist, top Olympic medalist in the history of Spain; a shirt of the soccer player Alexia Putellas, twice Ballon d’Or winner as the best player in the world; a racket from Ale Galán, the best padel player in the world; a wetsuit from Lucía Martiño, three-time Spanish surfing champion, and a helmet from Marc Márquez, eight-time Motorcycle World Champion.

Jorge Redondo’s wonderful dress for bingo.Luis Camacho and Flaminia Pelazzi.

In addition, we have the donation of a spectacular dress designed by Jorge Redondo. As the designer assures, “I was very clear from the first moment that Redondo Brand wanted to be there, contributing its own grain of sand with the donation of this fashion piece for the charity auction.” Finally, the designer chose the Portia dress, from the Edition collection, which is made with a very special silk brocade, embroidered with beads and sequins, in a brick orange color.”