The new moons, such as the one that will occur on July 5, 2024 over the sign of Cancer, New Moons are the perfect time to manifest and rejuvenate. If you feel like you have a lack in your life, now is the time to fill it through new experiences, people or elements. Also, you should make room for new beginnings and especially for non-rational behaviors during the new moons scheduled in the lunar calendar. It’s a fact that we all do something stupid when we encounter something for the first time, so don’t be afraid to experiment.

It’s always good to remember that new moons happen when the Moon and Sun are in the same degree, forming what astrologers call a conjunction. These are a time to set intentions and goals to manifest and project. So take it as an inspiration to bring out the best version of yourself!

While we won’t deny that it’s true that life can be overwhelming and burnout a real challenge that many of us face every day. It’s hard to keep going when your batteries are running low, and even harder when you see other people seemingly unaffected. The idea that some people never experience burnout may seem far-fetched, but they may have different coping mechanisms or circumstances that help them stay resilient.

Right now, the metaphor of being an artist looking for their big break or a lawyer who isn’t sure if they’ve made the right decision resonates deeply with you. So it captures the essence of effort and the feelings of insignificance that can accompany your efforts, especially when you don’t see immediate or widespread recognition. Don’t get overwhelmed because it’s easy to feel like your contributions are just drops in the ocean. But those drops matter! Every act, no matter how small, adds to the collective effort and has the potential to create waves.

When is the July 2024 New Moon in Cancer?

The new moon in Cancer will occur on Friday, July 5, 2024, at the end of the day, practically entering Saturday, July 6, and invites you to seek comfort and embrace new beginnings with great tenderness. This astrological event also encourages you to make space for what nourishes you emotionally and spiritually. It’s a reminder to welcome new experiences, people, or ideas into your life that can be both enriching and challenging. This is what truly shapes who you are and how you grow.

Just take some time under this July 2024 new moon to embrace the warmth of self-care, love, and the small joys that bring you some comfort. It’s time to light those warm-smelling candles, sip on a cocktail, and open yourself up to new possibilities. Remember that it’s okay not to be the brightest star in the room at all times. Sometimes, your purpose is to reflect and amplify the light of others, while finding your own personal glow in the process.

Below you have Your horoscope with the prediction of the new moon of July 2024 on Cancer for each sign of the zodiacRead your sun sign for insight into the part of you that is evolving. Read your rising sign for insight into your present self. Read your moon sign for guidance on which path to take to mature.

How the July 2024 new moon in Cancer will affect each zodiac sign


Aries, it’s no secret that the weight of the world is bearing down on your mind. With so much suffering and normalized hurt going on around you, it’s hard to remain impassive, even when trying to create distance and focus on your own responsibilities. However, this new moon is a perfect time to retreat and stay home. While the idea of ​​doing nothing may be boring, this period of rest can be crucial to prioritizing yourself. Embrace the calm and allow yourself to be rejuvenated.

Want to know more? Discover the daily horoscope for Aries or the personality traits of Aries.


Taurus, you can’t just wade into the mud and expect to come out with clean clothes. In other words: avoid situations that could tarnish your integrity. Surrounding yourself with people you don’t respect will inevitably have a negative influence on you, as their habits and attitudes will rub off on you, leading you down a path where you may end up not respecting yourself. So be mindful of who you spend your time with and you’ll find that your patterns and behaviors reflect a better version of yourself.

Want to know more? Discover the daily horoscope for Taurus or the personality traits of Taurus.


Gemini, the passion project on your mind has the potential to turn into a very lucrative opportunity. Trust that meaningful and fulfilling work can lead to significant rewards. While it’s true that having the freedom to invest time in this work comes with certain privileges, viewing it as a privilege rather than a right can sabotage your ability to enjoy it and make a difference. Keep your third eye open for opportunities to make an impact, even if it’s on a scale you didn’t expect. Embrace these opportunities and let them guide you toward personal and financial fulfillment.

Want to know more? Discover the daily horoscope for Gemini or the personality traits of Gemini.


Happy birthday, Cancer! Another year around the Sun and another reason to celebrate this marathon called life! As you get older, you may put unnecessary pressure on yourself and others. You may even feel disappointed by how much or how little you know, a feeling of helplessness that could undermine your sense of competence. Take a deep breath and act with some compassion. Remember: a lack of growth is not a failure, it’s a sign that there’s still room to learn and evolve. Life would be boring if we were all constantly growing.

Want to know more? Discover the daily horoscope for Cancer or the personality traits of Cancer.


Leo, what beliefs do you have about intimacy and love, and how do these hinder your ability to care for others and accept care from your loved ones? Some people are taught that love is about what you can give to someone, which leads to a pattern of needing to prove your worth in relationships through that yardstick. This can make you a slave to the need for validation and the fear of never being fully seen. Often, all our loved ones need from us is to know that we are there for them. Open your mind to new solutions and ask yourself if you really need to figure everything out, everywhere, all at once.

Want to know more? Discover the daily horoscope for Leo or the characteristics of the Leo personality.


Virgo, your inner circle is maturing, or are you realizing that you’ve outgrown certain types of relationships? If you’re constantly lecturing, giving your all, and not having your opinion taken into account, that’s cause for concern. Are you sure you’re still hanging out with the people who are your friends? Do you feel too guilty to make room for new friendships? It’s okay to jump ship when you can’t share a mission with the captain. It’s time to reevaluate and make room for relationships that truly support your growth.

Want to know more? Discover the daily horoscope for Virgo or the characteristics of the Virgo personality.


Libra, it seems that everything you’ve been manifesting lately is yielding the results you hoped for. Manifestations come to fruition when you fully accept that what you’re manifesting is already yours. If your goal is to become a professional gamer, go for it. If you’re aiming for a high-level position, keep an eye out for opportunities that will bring you closer to this goal. Now is a good time to say, “I’m interested in this, so I’m going for it.”

Want to know more? Discover the daily horoscope for Libra or the characteristics of the Libra personality.


Scorpio, be careful of the path you take when you expand your mind. Have you ever heard a mother scolding her child, while the child simply ignores it just because it comes from her? It’s a fact that mothers, maternal figures, and grandmothers are full of wisdom, and sometimes it’s hard to determine what should be done today when considering what will happen a year from now. This July new moon is a reminder to surround yourself with gentleness and maternal energy, which is where you’ll find your next most valuable lesson.

Want to know more? Discover the daily horoscope for Scorpio or the characteristics of the Scorpio personality.


Sagittarius, it’s hard to open up, isn’t it? Many people see your sign as a kind of threat, like Gemini’s good twin. But we know your energy is wise, because you know when to walk away and close your heart. After enough disappointments and heartbreaks, you’ve learned to be more perceptive. Now, the rainbow after the storm is the deep sense of loyalty and commitment that comes when you allow yourself to need someone. So even if you feel out of your comfort zone, it’s okay to open your heart.

Want to know more? Discover the daily horoscope for Sagittarius or the personality traits of Sagittarius.


Capricorn, this July 2024 New Moon will be a very lovely time for you. After breaking free from the effects of a series of difficult events that have happened to you, a beautiful romance is brewing in your name. The stars suggest that this Cancer Moon is an opportune time to get close and comfortable with a partner or friend. Plus, it will be a lovely time to deepen relationships and start new bonds based on mutual feelings. Be aware of your most complicated patterns and less healthy habits. If you’re not sure what they are, just wait until the next full moon!

Want to know more? Discover the daily horoscope for Capricorn or the characteristics of the Capricorn personality.


Aquarius, we need to have a tough conversation, because the July 2024 Cancer New Moon highlights your need to take care of your health. It happens to be in trine to Saturn in Pisces, as you seem to have neglected your self-care due to a series of complex events. Saturn in Pisces positioned in your house of values ​​suggests that everything you’ve lost control of is still yours, so avoid beating yourself up! The New Moon gives you a gentle push to achieve your goals. Then, the upcoming Full Moon in Capricorn will remind you to let go of harshness and crueler intentions.

Want to know more? Discover the daily horoscope for Aquarius or the personality traits of Aquarius.


Pisces, this July 2024 new moon is a time for you to play. Your heart may be making you feel like you’re stuck, frustrated, or numb to the world. While your frustration is understandable, remember that life has always been a difficult thing for living beings. At its best, you’ll find new and creative ways to navigate the world, even when life is bleak. Even if you feel like you’re trapped in a cage, this new moon in Cancer is a time for you to play your way through the toughest of times. There isn’t always a way out, but you can always turn on the light when times are dark.

Want to know more? Discover the daily horoscope for Pisces or the personality traits of Pisces.