dried fruits they are healthy. Scientific evidence proves this. But are there limitations? What happens if they are consumed in excess? Do they all have the same properties and benefits? These are the questions CuídatePlus tries to answer with the help of two experts: Juan Manuel Guardia Baena, specialist in the Nutrition Area of ​​the Spanish Society of Endocrinology and Nutrition (SEEN), and Patricia Yárnoz Esquiroz, dietitian-nutritionist at the Department of Endocrinology and Nutrition of the University Clinic of Navarra.

The list of diseases that help Preventing nuts is long due to the nutritional properties that Guardia Baena reviews. They provide a significant contribution of energy, Its general nutritional profile is very low carbohydrate contentthey are rich in proteins and in fats (around 30-60%), “but especially mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids, which correspond to a heart-healthy lipid profile.” They stand out for their fatty acid content Omega 3 and insoluble fiber, iron and calciumso they constitute a food with interesting nutritional properties.”

These nutrients are responsible for protection against cardiovascular disease, especially Omega 3, which have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and cardioprotective qualities. In addition, They contain phytosterols, which help reduce cholesterol.

The SEEN specialist means the scientific evidence that exists regarding the benefits of nuts, among which the Predimed study (Prevention with Mediterranean Diet), a multicenter randomized clinical trial for the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease, occupies a relevant place. in which more than 7,000 people at high risk of suffering from this disease participated.

In one of the Predimed intervention groups, the Mediterranean diet was combined with plus 30 grams/day of nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts and almonds): “The results were a decrease in cardiovascular disease, improving the lipid profile (which measures the concentrations of different types of fats in the blood), reducing blood pressure as well as reversing metabolic syndrome and the decrease in the incidence of peripheral arterial disease. And the risk of developing a primary cardiovascular event (heart attack) was 28% lower in those participants in the Mediterranean diet group supplemented with nuts compared to the control group.”

Yárnoz, for his part, highlights the high content of vitamins from the fat-soluble group, mainly vitamins A and E, group B vitamins, and some minerals such as phosphorus, calcium, potassium, iron or magnesium.

Characteristics of dried fruits

Exist differences between the different nuts? In general, they have a similar nutritional profile, although Yarnoz qualifies some characteristics of those that are most consumed in our country. Start with the peanut, “which is considered to be part of the group of nuts due to its fat content, despite the fact that it is a legume.” Its main quality is that it has a high percentage of protein: “You could say that, along with seeds, it is the one that provides the most protein and in its composition it has a high proportion of albumin.”

Hazelnut is considered the nut most similar to olive oil in its solid version due to its high proportion of monounsaturated fatty acids. Almonds stand out for their high calcium content.: “It is a good substitute for those people who do not consume calcium and need to supplement.” The nutritionist means pistachio phosphorus, potassium and zinc: “It is very indicated for intellectual performance.” The percentage of Omega 6 and Omega 3 make the walnut “the perfect food” to prevent cardiovascular disease and Sunflower seeds are the most suitable for the protection of degenerative diseases because they are rich in antioxidants.

In any case, the nutritionist at the University of Navarra Clinic assures that You have to individualize when recommending one or another nut because the circumstances of each one are different: “We can generalize a little by saying that for cardiovascular diseases, walnuts may be the nut that we should prioritize.” The walnut fights LDL (bad) cholesterol, helps raise HDL (good), lower blood pressure and prevent diabetes.

Continuing with his argument, if the priority is osteoporosis and safeguarding bone health, the choice would be the almond for its great contribution of calcium, but if what is of interest is fiber, one should opt for the almond: “Your percentage of fiber is very high for the low carbohydrate intakeso for patients with diabetes it would be more important to prioritize the consumption of almonds over walnuts.”

For constipation and colon cancer preventionthe most interesting fruits according to the expert are, first of all, the almondwhich provides about 14 grams per 100 of food and, secondly, hazelnut, which provides about 10 grams of fiber per 100 of food.

A handful every day

In any case, its intake must be cautious: “You can consider a ration of between 20 and 30 grams per day adequate, which in a practical way means a small handful”, suggests Guardia Baena. A similar amount is recommended by Patricia Yárnoz, although it goes up to 30-35 grams.

The reason is that they are foods with a high calorie content. “An excess can contribute to the increase in body weight if there is no balance between its intake and the energy expenditure of each person in relation to physical activity.”explains the SEEN specialist. However, he remembers that this does not mean that we have to eliminate nuts from our diet even if we are in the process of reducing fat mass: “We must consume them in moderation but not exclude them, as we were able to observe in the Predimed study.”

In this sense, Guard advises taking into account the processing: “Those that are offered without manipulation are better than those that are fried, since we will add extra calories that do not provide benefits. It is also best to avoid fried nut options with mil or sugar.”

Other limitations

The people who must have very exhaustive control of potassium and phosphorus, Like patients with impaired kidney function, they have to limit their consumption. The same happens with those who have digestive problems due to its fiber content. And logically people who have allergies or intolerance cannot take them.

But overall, dried fruits are an ideal complement, mainly from what is known as the Mediterranean diet. They can also be taken at any time of the day, within the main meal, as a snack or in intermediate meals.

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