Under its rough and unattractive skin, he avocado hides endless properties and benefits, not only for health, but also for beauty. This fruit, versatile and delicious, has a creamy texture that combines very well with other foods, making it an essential in the kitchen.

According to data managed by www.nutritienda.com, the leading online company in health and beauty products, Spain is the second largest consumer of avocados in Europe, only behind France. Its pulp is creamy and with a delicious flavor reminiscent of hazelnutand since it has so many varieties, with different harvest times, it can be eaten throughout the year.

Origin of avocado

The avocado grows on the avocado tree, a tree that can reach twenty meters in height in the Central American subtropics, where it comes from. Although the Aztecs of Mexico and Guatemala knew it as “ahuacatl”, which means “testicle”, The Spanish called this fruit “Indian pear.”before bringing it to Spain.

There is evidence of the consumption of avocado in 8,000 BC, since remains of this fruit were found in the Coxcatlán cave, in Puebla (Mexico). However, the first description of the avocado is by Francisco Hernández, who, After carrying out an in-depth exploration of the Mexican territory in the 16th century, he refers to the tree and its fruit in the work “History of the plants of New Spain.” The conquistadors brought the avocado from America to Spain at the beginning of the 17th century, and many Indians decided to plant avocado trees in their gardens to fill them with shade. In 1924, Malaga began growing avocadosas a result of a pilot project for the cultivation of exotic fruit trees.

Avocado, due to its composition, has outstanding health benefits. These are the main ones:

Cardiovascular health

Avocado is a source of monounsaturated fatty acids, of which its oleic acid content stands out. Replacing saturated fats with unsaturated fats, such as those in avocado, in the diet helps maintain normal blood cholesterol levels. Therefore, its consumption is recommended for people with coronary heart disease. It is also a source of potassium, a mineral that contributes to the maintenance of normal blood pressure.

Relaxation of the nervous system

Avocado is also a source of fatty acids, potassium and vitamins C, E and B6. Vitamin B6 contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system and psychological function. TOFurthermore, it is a source of vitamin C, a vitamin that contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system.

Excellent for bones

As it has vitamin C, it is an interesting food for bone health. since this vitamin contributes to the normal formation of collagen, which is very interesting when we talk about bone and cartilage health.

Skin care

Avocado has interesting nutrients for skin care. It provides a high content of vitamin E, a vitamin with antioxidant action, which stimulates the regenerative power of cells and is a source of vitamin C, a vitamin that contributes to the formation of collagen.

Recommended for athletes

Although the water content of avocado is lower than that of other fruits, Its calorie content and its contribution of other nutrients are of great interest to the athlete.. They make it a suitable food for moments of muscular overactivity and physical exhaustion. This fruit is a source of minerals such as Potassium, a mineral that contributes to normal muscle function.

satiating power

Due to its texture and creaminess, and its fat content, avocado has a satiating power, which makes it recommended to avoid snacking between meals. Although it provides a small amount of fiber, it is ideal to incorporate it into our diet since with the rest of the foods we can get the necessary amount of fiber throughout the day. Fiber is ideal for taking care of intestinal health, relieving constipation and increasing nutrient absorption.

Varieties and foods with avocado

There are more than 20 varieties of avocado, although these are the main ones that can be found:

  • Haas: The main variety sold in Spain has an oval shape, dark green skin and yellowish pulp.

  • Cocktail or date: It is an elongated fruit and has no stone, and its cultivation occurs, above all, in Israel and Spain.

  • Bacon: Medium in size, it is available from late autumn to the beginning of the first.

  • Pinkerton: with rough skin and a small seed, it occurs mainly in the winter months.

  • Strong: It has a thin skin, a rather large size and a very creamy pulp.

So many varieties have made it an excellent ally in international cuisine and star ingredient in many preparations. Its consistency and smoothness mean it is used in numerous dishes, both sweet and savory:

To spreadwith the crushed pulp and a few drops of olive, lemon or grapefruit oil, is excellent to spread on toast or crackers.

In salads and pastasavocado provides color and flavor, and combines with both fruits and vegetables, as well as nuts.

In the form of guacamolemashed with onion, tomato and lemon, is ideal for snacking accompanied with fried corn tortillas or nachos

As a garnish, It combines perfectly with eggs, mushrooms, fish or meat.

With sauces and creamsYou just have to add a soft avocado to make them very creamy.

With mayonnaise and vinaigretteshelps to enrich them and provides extra flavor.

Perfect for dessertssince with avocado as a base you can prepare cakes, ice creams, mousses and puddings

in smoothiescombines with soy, oat or almond vegetable drinks.

Uses of avocado in beauty treatments

The avocado not only has a delicious flavor and excellent culinary properties, which have made it one of the essential foods in the kitchen, but it also It is increasingly used in beauty treatments, due to its magnificent natural qualities..

Keeps skin hydrated: Its creamy texture has made it another ingredient in natural creams. In addition to its topical use, consuming avocado regularly also makes the skin look soft, hydrated and fresh.

Helps smooth wrinkles: Its high content of antioxidants and vitamin E and C help delay aging and soften expression lines, stimulating collagen and elastin, and making the skin more elastic and brighter.

Ideal for hair: Some hair treatments use avocado since, due to its nutrients, it is ideal for repairing split ends. In addition, it makes the hair look soft and shiny, preventing frizz. And being rich in B vitamins and folic acid, it helps hair grow faster.

Tricks and curiosities about avocado

In France, Italy and the United Kingdom, the avocado is called “avocat.” or “avocado.” Apparently, the origin of this name was due to the fact that when The avocado arrived in France from Haiti, its price was very high and it was reserved only for the wealthiest classes. like lawyers, which led to it being called “poires d’avocat” or “lawyer pears.”