What were the origins of Prevencoor?

Prevencoor was established in 2008, so we have been in the market for 16 years. The company was born with the idea of ​​providing a different service in the prevention of occupational risks in our country. A service that was closer, more practical, real and simpler for companies and that would allow us to facilitate their compliance with prevention in the best possible way. This way of working consists of banishing the typical burdens with prevention plans, evaluations and endless preventive planning, complex and difficult for the client to understand. I remember that in the first inspections that we passed for our clients, the Labor Inspection itself congratulated us for the work done, they used the expression “I finally see a plan that speaks about the company.” Fortunately, they already know us and thank God we have a good prestige and reputation in their eyes.

What is the current structure of the company?

The truth is that in these 16 years of existence we have been growing in the different departments that make up Prevencoor, always with the idea of ​​providing the best possible service to our clients. We have various departments: Business Technical, Works, Projects, Legal, Medical, Training, Administration… This structure is under the supervision of Ana Blanco as responsible for department coordination, and two main directorates under it: a technical area, represented by Jesús Fernández, and a medical area, which Juan Jesús Santana is in charge of.

As director of this work group, I am proud of the team I have, made up of great professionals with a lot of experience behind them and fully committed to the project and business idea that we want to implement. Prevencoor’s commitment to its human team has been a business strategy since our beginnings, to the point that practically all of us who started the project continue working on it today. We are a service company and, as such, human capital is essential for us.

What is Prevencoor’s value proposition in the field of occupational risk prevention?

Prevencoor has always had four differentiating pillars with respect to its competition: Simpler prevention plans, easy to understand, with specific and concrete measures to comply with and appropriate to the reality of the company; in-person and practical prevention training at client facilities, with several follow-up visits per year; legal assistance specialized in prevention before labor inspections of our clients; and, finally, a more fair, equitable and professional health surveillance, where the client only pays for the medical examinations they perform. This has been our commitment from the beginning and we continue to maintain it today.

In what geographic market are you present?

We have a national scope of action, but we preferably work in Seville (which is where we have our headquarters) and Andalusia, although we also have some companies distributed throughout the national territory to which we also provide services.

What customer profile are your solutions aimed at?

Our client profile is very varied and we target all types of sectors and activities, but it is true that we have a lot of acceptance in medium-large companies. The reason? I would say that they are usually companies that value offering more protection to their workers and are more aware, seeking better service, attention and development in this matter, and we, due to our way of working, tend to like and help them continue growing in the prevention of occupational hazards.

We also have a construction client profile, where contractors and promoters hire us for on-site prevention services to carry out technical monitoring visits and provide preventive resources on construction sites and safety coordinators. In this department we have up to seven full-time technicians monitoring preventive resources in different works distributed throughout the national territory, as well as health and safety coordination at works.

Are they specialized in serving a specific sector?

No. The services we provide are only in the prevention of occupational risks, so we do not dedicate ourselves to other tasks other than the occupational health and safety of our clients. For example, we provide technical services to companies, health and safety coordination services on construction sites, preventive resources on construction sites, medical services, preparation of self-protection plans and emergency plans, health and safety plans, health and safety studies for construction sites. , specific training in prevention… but always everything under the prism of prevention, since by law we cannot dedicate ourselves to anything else.

Are companies aware of the need to have an external ally in this field?

More and more, although we still have a long way to go. It is true that the prevention carried out today is much more advanced than that carried out 20 years ago, but we still have a long way to go and we must continue to grow in that preventive culture so necessary in this society. If you notice, I’m talking about society, not just businessmen. Prevention is everyone’s business, employers, workers, unions, prevention services, administrations, labor inspections, prevention centers… I still receive some calls from potential clients who, From what they ask me, they suggest that many times we are light years away from the goal we want to achieve. Even so, it is true that together, little by little, we will reverse this situation and advance as a country in this regard, ensuring that the safety and health of workers is a basic pillar in all companies, self-employed workers and administrations in this country. .

What differentiates Prevencoor from its main competitors?

The close, practical and decisive treatment that we provide to our clients. Our organization is flexible enough to adapt to the needs of each client, so our product is very attractive for a type of company that wants something more in prevention. So much so that we have become the only third-party prevention service in Spain that has been awarded 3 different awards. The first of them, at the Andalusian level, granted by the ABC Newspaper El Suplemento, on April 9, 2021. The second, at the national level, also granted by El Suplemento, on September 30, 2021, and the last, to Andalusian level, awarded by the newspaper La Razón, on November 28, 2023, award for business leadership in Security.

Is there still room for innovation in a field like this?

I understand that if. In this life you always have to continue investigating, learning, advancing and adapting to changes. Now that artificial intelligence is so fashionable, I consider that it is a tool that is here to stay and is being applied in general in companies and in many sectors, and the prevention of occupational risks is not going to be different from that. I think it can become a support tool for the prevention technician.

What are Prevencoor’s future challenges?

Prevencoor’s main challenge is to continue growing without losing our differentiating values. With this I insist a lot on the human team that makes up the company and the truth is I am satisfied so far. As an entity we have three main objectives or lines of action. Firstly, continue with our differential performance in the prevention market as an accredited, distinct entity committed to customer service above all. Secondly, promote a preventive culture. In this sense, we spent two years on the radio with an intervention on the Ser network program, “Hoy por hoy Sevilla”, with Salomón Hachuel, where we talked about occupational risk prevention with the intention of extending and increasing preventive culture in general. . The experience was very positive, until COVID-19 arrived and we were the first to start talking about safety in companies against the virus. For obvious reasons, later, we had to stop this program when the state of alarm arrived, since the dedication of the prevention services during this stage was full and the advice to the essential companies that continued working in the Country, essential to fight against the pandemic.

But they have not abandoned the disclosure…

No. Subsequently, we have resumed this objective but changing the strategy, and in these two years we have organized two specialized conferences on Prevention. The first of them, on March 9, 2023, called “The other side of Prevention: the work accident”, where we had a cast of top-level professionals from the world of prevention; Head of Labor Inspection, Director of the Occupational Risk Prevention Center, Occupational Accident Prosecutor and different judges and magistrates, all in order to explain the different responsibilities in the matter and try to raise awareness among the businessmen present there. The truth is that the reception was spectacular, with around 400 people attending, including businessmen, company prevention officers, technicians, officials… Then, on March 12 of this year, we organized a second conference, called “The Other face of Prevention: the employer’s point of view”, where we also have an equivalent level of speakers, and where the focus was focused on the employer and the real problems encountered in order to comply with this regulation. The reception was greater than the previous one, achieving almost a full house, around 500 attendees.

I was talking before about three challenges…

That’s how it is. The third is to continue working on a line of research in new technologies applied to prevention that we have recently begun to develop and where Prevencoor He has given his support.

How do you see the future of the sector?

We are currently experiencing a proposal from the Ministry of Labor to reform the prevention regulations, after almost 30 years of existence. However, we are extremely concerned that these initiatives are carried out without counting on the specialized business organizations in our sector, which are the ones that can provide solutions and improvements to the current regulatory framework. We are all in the same boat, which is none other than trying to improve the statistics of workplace accidents in our country and increase the general preventive culture of society. That is why I believe that companies in the sector must be involved if we really want to continue advancing in this matter.