Claudia Sheinbaum is the candidate of the Let’s Keep Making History coalition, made up of Morena, the Labor Party and the Green Ecologist. The candidate has in her government program two axes that shape her vision to lead the country, with which she seeks to consolidate the Fourth Transformation led by the president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

In the first, it focuses on the continuity of the outgoing government and in the second, its key insignia is maintaining an honest and corruption-free government. Under this approach, some of Sheinbaum’s key proposals include the delivery of social programs at all educational levels; strengthening the National Guard; an important change to the Judiciary; and the consolidation of the IMSS Bienestar program. Below are the initiatives in education, health, economy, security, environment and mobility of the Let’s Keep Making History coalition candidate.


Candidate Claudia Sheinbaum proposes a universal scholarship for preschool, primary and secondary school students throughout the country, in addition to the implementation of extended hours in study centers so that students receive more hours of physical and artistic education. Added to the proposals is that schools dedicate time to children’s health care, with programs on nutrition, psychology, dental care, vision exams, free glasses and addiction prevention. The continuity of the programs established during the Government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador is also a fundamental axis in Sheinbaum’s proposals. In that sense, she promises to strengthen the educational programs of the New Mexican School and maintain the Benito Juárez Welfare Scholarships.


In terms of security, the official candidate advocates the strengthening of the National Guard and that the administration of the Judicial Branch of the Federation be in charge of an independent and autonomous judicial administration body. For the Armed Forces, the candidate recognizes the role they have had during the administration of President López Obrador and applauds that the construction of large public works is under her responsibility.

Sheinbaum suggests that the Ministers of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation, the magistrates, the district judges and the magistrates of the Judicial Disciplinary Court be elected directly and secretly by the population. In that sense, he advocates a profound reengineering of the main axes of the justice system. Finally, he promises a long-term strategy to discourage the recruitment of the young population by organized crime through anti-violence intervention programs. ‘Young people join the neighborhood’ and ‘Barrio interior’ stand out as programs to be implemented at the federal level.


In terms of health, the official candidate has brought to the race a transexennial national plan, which would be managed by the Ministry of Health to coordinate public institutions throughout the country. The strategy promises to link the private sector to the public health model, and strengthen the infrastructure of the IMSS Bienestar. The candidate’s plan indicates that it will gradually approach the levels of care, capacity, homologation of processes and protocols similar to those of the IMSS and the ISSSTE. Thus, the structure inherited from IMSS Bienestar will operate at its maximum capacity by strengthening its infrastructure and expanding its workforce.

On the other hand, Sheinbaum suggests reducing saturation in patient care, and increasing the resolution capacity at the three levels of medical care throughout the country. To achieve this, he proposes the implementation of new protocols, with the creation of new shifts in clinics, hospitals and operating rooms. In addition, he promises the creation of clinics in 154 municipalities that do not have a health center, prioritizing areas with high or very high marginalization.

Gender violence

The fight against gender violence is one of the fundamental axes in the campaign of Claudia Sheinbaum, the candidate to govern a country with more than 3,000 women murdered a year. The candidate proposes addressing the problem from a focus on prevention and promotion of reporting. Likewise, she promises to follow up on justice delivery processes and classify the crime of feminicide at the national level. With this measure, each homicide of a woman will in principle be investigated as a feminicide.

Sheinbaum’s proposals also include the establishment of a national program of women’s lawyers in all public ministries, in coordination with local prosecutors’ offices to address all types of violence against women, including workplace violence. Finally, the candidate emphasizes the fight against digital violence, and intends to promote reforms that promote the recognition of all women, regardless of their socioeconomic, cultural, labor or territorial condition.


Regarding the economy, Claudia Sheinbaum has opted to maintain “republican austerity”, the flagship of the Government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador. The candidate has indicated that, if she becomes president, she will not use a private plane or the presidential General Staff. On the other hand, she proposes a social orientation of spending to guarantee that social programs reach the population that needs them. Likewise, she supports the initiative for constitutional reform regarding pensions, and the maintenance of the Welfare Pension that benefits older adults. The candidate also advocates for the maintenance of social programs, increases in the minimum wage in real terms and investment in the south and southeast of Mexico. In the gender axis, Sheinbaum includes bimonthly support for women aged 60 to 64, equivalent to half of the pension for those aged 65 and over. She seeks to promote joint cabinets and the eradication of the wage gap.


Sheinbaum’s proposals on environmental matters include the strengthening of the National Water Commission (Conagua) and the establishment of the human right to water as a legal priority and a strategic resource for the social and economic development of the country. Furthermore, she suggests that no source of the liquid be overexploited in a sustained manner, and that society acquire a greater role in making decisions that affect the hydraulic conditions of its basin. On the other hand, the candidate recommends that the water balance of each water basin in Mexico be a national aspiration for the next 50 years and that water concessions be regulated under what is established by law.


In its proposals, Sheinbaum commits to consolidating the strategic projects bequeathed by Andrés Manuel López Obrador, such as the Mayan Train, the Interoceanic, the Felipe Ángeles Airport, the Dos Bocas refinery, as well as the modernization of the six refineries and hydroelectric plants . Also, he advocates providing electric transportation to the main Mexican cities, for example, with trolleybus, metrobus and cablebus lines. Regarding the country’s main ports—essential for catalyzing imports and exports—Sheinbaum defends the modernization and expansion of the infrastructure of Salina Cruz and Coatzacoalcos, which are part of the Interoceanic Corridor of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec.

To compare the proposals regarding: security, education, health, gender violence, economy, environment and mobility of the three Candidates for the Presidency of Mexico 2024

See here

Proposals by Jorge Álvarez Máynez

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