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This Friday, the PP communities have proposed the Minister of Health of Castilla y León, Alejandro Vázquez, as vice president of the Interterritorial Council of the National Health System. Vázquez himself has assured that the popular autonomies feel “contempt and disregard” on the part of the Minister of Health, Mónica García, and has denounced that in the Interterritorial Council “the regulatory prerogatives of the autonomies are ignored.”

The counselor has pointed out that, to try to stop this “nothing” the communities led by the PP are going to request “to make use of the figure of the vice president of the Plenary of the Inter-territorial Council”, which had not been used in this legislature. To occupy this position, the popular territorial leaders are going to propose, precisely, the councilor of the Board.

“The clear example of this contempt was the meeting on June 5, in which despite the proposal of the points to be discussed that several councilors wanted to put forward, it turns out that the minister made the agenda at her own risk and expense. , and their free will. Therefore, we believe that this disregard by the Inter-territorial Council has to end,” said Vázquez.

Furthermore, he considered that in this Friday’s call the minister “hides behind a large number of points on the agenda in order not to address what really is the serious problem that the Spanish health system has: the lack of professionals”. For Vázquez, it is not admissible that this issue is not among the topics to be discussed at the meeting at the Ministry and in exchange “a series of topics will be analyzed that I am not saying are not important or have no significance for the citizens, “but really the most important problem for users of the national health system is not there.”

The counselor has indicated that the PP communities do not understand that the agenda does not include the signing “of a joint document between the Ministry and the autonomous communities in which the measures that could be taken to try to mitigate the problem appeared. of the lack of professionals in the summer”. “Once again, we believe that the minister does not use her powers, does not attend to her responsibilities and leaves the issue of the lack of professionals in the hands of the Autonomous Communities, who are the ones who do not have those powers,” he stated.

Furthermore, he pointed out that he misses the fact that the distribution of a series of funds for “important” issues was addressed in today’s meeting, especially after many autonomous communities have observed “that the amount offered to us is less than which had been previously proposed to us”. “Therefore, we do not know what the Ministry does apart from propaganda with the money it gives to communities for important issues such as rare diseases and neurodegenerative diseases,” he denounced.

Despite everything, the counselor of Castilla y León has assured that they entered the meeting with the minister “open to dialogue and negotiation” and has hoped to find a favorable environment “to truly exercise the powers of this Council, which are co-governance of the National Health System”.

Vázquez assures that what happens in the summer at a health level “will be the fault of the Ministry”

The Plenary Session of the Interterritorial Council held today at the Ministry of Health ended without “any solution to the State problem, which is the lack of medical professionals,” according to the Health Minister of Castilla y León, Alejandro Vázquez, who served as spokesman for the PP communities at the end of a meeting that, in their words, “has been a mere instrument in which the minister has hidden so as not to face the real problem that the National Health System has, which is the lack of professionals” , a situation that, in his opinion, “this summer is going to create problems when it comes to providing service throughout Spanish territory.”

“The councilors of the autonomous communities are exercising our powers to be able to provide health care,” Vázquez detailed about this controversy before explaining that all territorial leaders have made “alterations to the vacation calendars.” “We have all spoken with the unions to increase the vacation period; we have all set up extraordinary consultations to be able to attend to Primary Care patients; even in some regions like ours, plans have been enabled to transfer patients in the event that it is necessary to other residential points,” he stressed.

“But the minister is the only one who does not exercise her competence: providing health professionals to the system,” he denounced. In this sense, she predicted that it will be the minister, Mónica García, who “will take the blame for everything that is going to happen this summer.” “Enough of the cosmetics, enough of the wrapping, enough of the deception. What needs to be done is each person’s job taking into account their competencies and responsibilities,” she cried.

To try to alleviate the lack of health professionals, the councilors of the communities governed by the PP ask the Ministry for “courage”, since, in their opinion, “extraordinary measures can be taken as in other crisis situations.” “I believe that You have to be brave and free from the Ministry to make decisions that allow healthcare to be provided in Spain. And the Ministry is not brave,” Vázquez stressed, clarifying that these would be measures “always within the law, because that is what others have done.” times. And that’s what the Ministry is for, to give legality to these things.” In this case, he asked to remember the work of the residents “in times of pandemic.”


On the other hand, the Minister of Health of Castilla y León was elected vice president of the Interterritorial Council of the National Health System, at the proposal of the autonomous communities governed by the PP and in response to the “nothing” that in his opinion the minister of this organ. A “nothing” that has led the regions “to have to use this figure of vice president that had never been used before, neither with PP governments nor with PSOE governments,” as Vázquez himself explained after his appointment.

From now on, her role will be, beyond replacing the minister when she is not there, “to create a bit of a link to prevent what happened on June 5 from happening in the Interterritorial Council, when they were not put into action. the agenda several points that the councilors had requested. That is, I am going to try to ensure that the Regulations are complied with.”

Regarding another topic on the agenda, regarding the distribution of funds dedicated to mental health and rare diseases, the Castilian and Leonese counselor explained that the Ministry “has agreed to clarify this point in some autonomous communities.”

“It is very good that amounts are given for current transfers and for infrastructure, but we would much rather see professionals, both psychiatrists and clinical psychologists, put on the table, since in all the autonomous communities we lack them to be able to deal with the important demand that exists in mental health at the moment in Spain. And, of course, the response has been the same, the silent one,” said Vázquez, who insisted that it had been a “proceeding” plenary session, without “anything of weight or insult.”