May 20 marks European Obesity Day. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines obesity as an abnormal or excessive accumulation of fat that can be harmful to health. Obesity has been considered the epidemic of the 21st century, defined as a body mass index greater than 30 kg/m2. The latest official data estimate that one in six Europeans over 18 years of age is obese, a figure that is increasing.

“The obesity “It is a disease and should be treated as such since it has been associated with several chronic diseases, including diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension and stroke, as well as several types of cancer,” explains the Dr. Pedro Rosónhead of the hospital’s digestive system service Vithas Xanit International. In percentage terms, obese people in the European Union represent 15.9% of the population, with obesity considered to be people who have a body mass index of 30 or higher. Most citizens have a normal weight (46.1%), 35.7% are overweight and 2.3% are below their ideal weight.

“In addition, it not only affects the adult population but there is also overweight in childhood and adolescence that can predispose to developing diseases such as type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases during adult life,” explains Dr. Pedro Rosón, who adds that obesity in childhood and adolescence It has adverse psychosocial consequences because it affects school performance, quality of life, coupled with stigmatization, discrimination and intimidation. “Children who are obese as children are very likely to be obese adults,” she emphasizes.

Safe bariatric surgery

According to a joint study by the Carlos III Health Institute (ISCIII) and the Spanish Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition (AESAN), the province of Almeria has the highest prevalence of overweight in Spain, with 44.1% of its population affected. The coordinator of the Obesity Unit and bariatric surgeon of the Vithas Almería Hospitalhe Dr. Ricardo Beldacomments on the figures. “According to the latest studies we can clearly see that obesity figures continue to increase. From our Obesity Unit we want to convey to patients who are going through this disease that there is no reason to be afraid of bariatric surgery. Years ago it is true that there were more complications because the surgery was different, it was operated with open surgery. However, today, if done through laparoscopy and in expert hands, this risk is negligible, in most cases much lower than that of not operating; We must keep in mind that obesity is one of the main causes of death and health problems in Western societies,” says Belda.

It is important to go to a multidisciplinary unit as the Vithas Almería Obesity Unit which has several professionals who approach each case with the corresponding treatment since “many times patients opt for miracle diets where they drastically limit the intake of calories or variety of foods that can be consumed, but this is dangerous for both physical and mental health since they normally entail a lack of important nutrients. The fundamental thing is that, in addition to being treated with specialists, Changes in lifestyle are of utmost importance, especially in diet, as well as a physical exercise plan and behavior modification,” he concludes.

Vithas Málaga Obesity Unit

The obesity is an illness chronicle and complex that goes far beyond the simple accumulation of body fat. It involves a series of physical, metabolic, emotional and social factors that interact with each other. That is why the excellent results offered by new pharmacological and endoscopic treatments that have come onto the market in recent years, would not be possible without the support and complement of nutritional re-education, mental health and physical exercise programs to achieve healthy habits that are sustainable over time.

A multidisciplinary team like that of the Obesity Unit of the Vithas Málaga Hospital It is made up of professionals from different fields such as doctors, nutritionists, psychologists, surgeons or personal trainers. “Multidisciplinary treatment offers numerous benefits. First of all, it allows a holistic approach to obesity, taking into account not only weight loss, but also mental health, quality of life, and potential medical complications. Furthermore, receive emotional and motivational support It is essential to maintain results. We are not looking for an ideal weight based only on a BMIbut a Healthy weight based on good habits so that it can be maintained over time and obtain a great return in health by reducing medical complications derived from obesity,” confirms the Dr. Carlos Marra López Valenciano, head and coordinator of the Obesity Unit at the Vithas Málaga Hospital.

New scientific advances in pharmacology

The approach to obesity and overweight carried out by the Endocrinology and Nutrition team led by Dr. Christopher Morales focuses on the pharmacology as a “treatment personalized and accompanied. It is very important that patient follow-up is carried out by a multidisciplinary obesity expert unit that provides medical follow-up in order to maintain a healthy weight.” This support in pharmacology is a “science-based” option. With results where there are drugs that have shown losses of up to 16% of the patient’s weight in two years. A figure that, from a health point of view, is very positive, of course, always accompanied by monitoring by experts, since it is not about losing weight but about building healthy lifestyle habits that extend over time,” highlights Dr. .Morales.

In this sense, the Vithas Sevilla team adds its own research to the treatments, with more than 30 clinical trials in metabolic and cardiovascular health, where both obesity and diabetes They are part of the studies with the most social and health impact. “We are, in addition to health professionals, researchers, since obesity is a disease with more than 200 associated complications, which require study and support, always from a humanized perspective of the patient, which makes them feel accompanied. We cannot forget that the obesity is a disease with capital letterswhich has many biological, genetic, hormonal and social components,” concludes the specialist in endocrinology.

Vithas Granada Obesity Unit

The Dr. Ana García Navarrohead of the service General surgery and digestive system and of the Vithas Granada Obesity Unit, states that “there is no ideal treatment or intervention that can be applied to all patients indiscriminately. At our obesity unit To choose the appropriate treatment for each patient, we take into account different factors: the main one is the goal of treatment (which may be losing weight or controlling tension, diabetes, apnea or other pathologies caused by obesity). Secondly, the diseases suffers, since they determine the surgical risk or may even contraindicate a certain treatment. And, of course, after offering the patient all the information, we put at their disposal our more than twenty years of experience to offer you the treatment you prefer among those that adapt to your profile,” concludes Dr. Navarro.

Fountain: Vithas