Friday, June 21, 2024, 12:59

Since its first stone was laid 25 years ago, more than 750 million euros have been invested in the Granada Health Technology Park by both administrations and companies. And each and every one of those euros and every public effort put into the Park has been “well spent”, in the words of the president of the Granada Chamber, Gerardo Cuerva. And it is not just an opinion but is confirmed by the conclusions of the Economic Impact Study prepared by the SME Chair of Cámara Granada and the University of Granada presented this Friday at Cámara Granada.

The study, carried out based on billing, spending and investment data, corresponding to 2022, of the companies and entities located in the park, indicates that the PTS generates 4.2% of the GDP of the province of Granada and 4 .1% of employment, thus confirming the prominence of this infrastructure in the provincial and Andalusian economy and its potential as a generator of economic and social development.

The multiplier effect of this unique space that combines teaching, research and business activity is notable: for every euro invested or spent in productive activity, 1.8 euros of return were obtained in the production of goods and services. Along the same lines, for every 55,800 euros invested or spent it was necessary to maintain the equivalent of a full-time job, as explained by the authors of the report, the director of the SME Chair of the UGR, Myriam Martínez and the main researcher José Antonio Salinas.

The study also reveals that in 2022, 751.3 million euros were billed or spent in the PTS. Of these, the highest percentage corresponded to the business area, which accounted for 45.2% of the expenditure; This was followed by the health care area with 41.9% of the amount, the research area with 9.3% and teaching, with 3.6%.

Regarding direct employment, in 2022, 7,602 people worked in the PTS. In this case, the health area takes the bulk, with 55% of the jobs, followed by the business area, with 30%, research with 11.3% and teaching with 3.7%. The study warns that indirect and induced employment would significantly increase that figure.

The economic movement and employment figures also show sustained growth compared to 2018 – the latest study available -: thus, PTS investment and billing has increased by 17.7% since that date, while employment, with 1,341 jobs created, has increased by 21.4%.

Finally, the Study analyzes the total impact of the investments and economic activity carried out in the park in 2022 to conclude that the PTS generated a GDP of 906.5 million euros in that year in Andalusia as a whole, of which more than 720 million could be attributed to the Park’s surroundings (mainly Granada and the metropolitan area, but also the rest of the province). Regarding employment, the report points out that to respond to this production of goods and services, 15,693 jobs were needed, of which 12,194 would be located in the most immediate environment.

The impact

For the presentation of the study, the president of Cámara Granada, Gerardo Cuerva, received at the headquarters of Cámara Granada the rector of the UGR and president of the PTS Foundation, Pedro Mercado, the counselor of University, Research and Innovation of the Government of Andalusia. , José Carlos Gómez Villamandos and the mayor of Granada, Marifrán Carazo who have agreed to highlight the weight of the park in the business development of Granada.

The president of the Granada Chamber has emphasized “the impact generated by the PTS. “Public investment impacts the economy,” he said, “and impacts the companies that are capable of generating employment and wealth when we are given the conditions to do so. Consequently, for a province located in the income queue, the productive investment of the public administration is essential… and we demand it once again.

Cuerva has also referred to the biosanitary field and the strength of the PTS in the sector in Andalusia, which in his opinion is reflected in the report, which is why he called on the Board “to take it into account when making decisions related to the health in the Autonomous Community.

For her part, the mayor, Marifrán Carazo, has highlighted the importance of the study that confirms the economic and social development of Granada, “so we can feel very satisfied with the results.” «For every euro invested, 1.8 euros of return have been obtained. “This not only underlines the efficiency and impact of the PTS, but also highlights its ability to drive economic growth and innovation in Grenada,” she stressed.

Carazo, who has highlighted the value of the PTS as a benchmark in bio-health innovation in southern Europe, has also referred to its function as a connection center between business development, research, healthcare and teaching. “This enclave of entrepreneurship comes to enhance our human, technological and economic resources, positioning Granada as an epicenter of advancement and progress,” he said. «Granada is in fashion and in these figures we see a reflection of the work that is being done. Creating synergies between public administrations, together with private entities, marks a path for us to follow on this path of growth.

The rector, Pedro Mercado, has also welcomed both the work of the chair and the positive results of the study that confirm the multiplier effect and demonstrate the importance of continuing to invest in this “singular” space in Granada, which people from all over Granada come to know. Spain. “We have the arguments, we have to trust that investment in research is the best we can make,” said Mercado, who has also claimed the value of joint work between administrations. He has also highlighted the “unique opportunity” of uniting the strength of the UGR in fields such as new technologies or Artificial Intelligence.

A unique brand

For his part, the University counselor has announced that the Board will reinforce its support for the network of technology parks through a unique brand that promotes entrepreneurship, transfer and innovation.

The Minister of University, Research and Innovation, José Carlos Gómez Villamandos, has highlighted the importance of innovation for the Andalusian productive fabric and economic development and has vindicated the role that science and technology parks play in bringing together innovative companies and generating scientific activity. , technological and business. In the case of the Granada Health Technology Park (PTS), it has highlighted its consolidation as a benchmark for bio-health innovation in Southern Europe, taking into account the uniqueness of this facility, which is the only one in Spain specialized in health sciences. life and health.

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