The obesity It is a disorder that affects a large part of the Spanish population. According to the Spanish Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition and the Carlos III Health Institute, in 2020, 37.1% of the Spanish population was overweight, and 18.7% fell within the weight ranges that are considered obesity. Given these worrying figures, a series of medications promise to facilitate weight loss by “tricking” the body by activating the system that calms hunger.

However, people who suffer from diabetes also depend on these medications, and they have had supply problems in their pharmacies. To make up for this shortage, the Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products (AEMPS) has recently included in the catalog wegovy, another drug with the same active ingredient, which began to be marketed on May 1 for weight loss. In this way, they hope to cover all demand.

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According to the Spanish diabetes society, Spain is the second country with the highest prevalence of diabetes in Europe. Of the more than 5 million people who suffer from diabetes, 90% correspond to type II diabetes and the remaining 10% to other variants (type I, gestational, MODY, LADA or others). Until one third of people with diabetes could not be diagnosedwhich increases the risk of more serious illnesses in the future.