Posted On June 18, 2024

The Council of Ministers gives the green light to the Public Health Surveillance Network

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>> Health >> The Council of Ministers gives the green light to the Public Health Surveillance Network
The Council of Ministers gives the green light to the Public Health Surveillance Network

1:40 p.m.

The Council of Ministers approves the incorporation of 3,400 professors to universities

This Tuesday, the Council of Ministers approved the incorporation of 3,400 doctoral assistant professors to Spanish universities. In an unprecedented gesture – the powers belong to the autonomous communities – the Government will finance these positions during the six years that these contracts last, with the idea that from then on the regional Executives will do so. This Tuesday, a first batch of 46 million was approved to cover payrolls from September to December. The economic package must be approved year by year. The program should be complemented by the hiring of another 800 teachers by the communities, although this is not guaranteed.

The measure aims to help universities comply with the new law (Losu), which establishes a reduction in the temporary employment and precariousness of a large part of university teaching staff. The rule requires centers to reduce the temporary duration on campus to 8%, which is currently close to 50%, as explained by Minister Diana Morant.

Universities and autonomous communities had protested the impossibility of meeting this Losu requirement due to lack of funds, which led the Government to decide to finance the places in the first instance. But then the communities will have to be the ones to continue this program, which in turn has already generated more complaints. The Ministry of Universities has clashed with the regional executives over this issue, especially with those of the PP, a clash that is expected to be repeated this Wednesday when everyone sits at the table of the General Conference of University Policy, which must also give its approval. to the program.

Inform Daniel Sánchez Caballero

1:30 p.m.

Sumar asks the PSOE to stop knocking on Feijóo’s door to renew the Judiciary: “The PP dominated by Aznar does not respect the rules”

Sumar’s spokesperson, Íñigo Errejón, asked his Government partner this Tuesday to stop knocking on the door of Alberto Núñez Feijóo for the renewal of the General Council of the Judiciary and address a reform in Congress to unblock it.

“The intellectual leader of the Spanish right and extreme right has said that we must continue with permanent mobilization. It is from that PP that the PSOE has asked again for three more weeks in June to see if he releases the kidnapping of the Judiciary. The PP dominated by Aznar cannot continue to be asked to respect the rules of the game because he does not respect them,” he said in a press conference.

Errejón has also regretted that the debate on regional financing takes place in the context of an investiture in Catalonia and has opted not to turn this issue into a “confrontation between territories: “It’s about the rich paying more.” ”Is Catalonia’s financing problem the only one? No, there are many that are underfunded. The solution is to renew a financing system that has to be done everywhere,” he said.

By Alberto Ortiz

1:26 p.m.

The Council of Ministers gives the green light to the Public Health Surveillance Network

This Tuesday, the Council of Ministers approved the royal decree to create the Public Health Surveillance Network. “We had it pending since 2011,” said the Minister of Health, Mónica García, who also wanted to recognize the work of the director of the Alert and Emergency Coordination Center, Fernando Simón, a figure who became famous during the COVID-19 pandemic. 19.

The Network is designed to coordinate the different surveillance systems so that, the minister pointed out, “we can have precise and real data collection and analysis to achieve procedures and protocols for an early warning system.” In this way, “all alarms and situations that endanger our public health” should be identified in less than 24 hours.

By Raul Rejon

1:05 p.m.

ERC considers it “disrespectful” that there is no candidate for the investiture and the electoral countdown is activated without debate

The spokesperson for the ERC group in Parliament, Marta Vilalta, has considered it “disrespectful” and “irresponsible” that next Tuesday, June 25, there will not be a candidate to undergo an investiture and that the countdown for the electoral repetition will be activated without debate, as the president of the Parliament, Josep Rull, has hinted.

In statements to the media in Parliament, Vilalta has challenged Salvador Illa or Carles Puigdemont to appear in the investiture debate even if they do not have the support to be invested, just as Pere Aragonès did last term, when he was chosen in the second investiture debate.

The negotiating teams of the PSC and ERC met this Tuesday in a meeting that, according to a brief joint statement, has served to encourage both parties to “continue working.” The PSC has assumed that the internal crisis of ERC will lead to a long negotiation, and this Monday Salvador Illa, aware of the situation, already announced that he did not want to “hurry anyone up.”

By Oriol Solé

12:57 p.m.

The Madrid Tenants Union will launch a campaign to “find and close” illegal tourist apartments

The Madrid Tenants Union has begun to develop a campaign to “search and close” the tourist apartments that, remember, of the 17,000 there are, only 1,008 have a license. “They are expelling the population from the neighborhood, reducing the supply of rental housing, attracting speculators and touristifying the city,” they point out from the statement in which they urge the population to help identify illegal apartments in order to report them.

“On June 23, the campaign to identify tourist apartments and close them begins,” announces the video that sponsors the action on social networks and denounces that “in Madrid there are 16,000 illegal apartments because there is a mayor and a city council that allow it.” . The union’s website has an entry where you can identify where the tourist apartments are with the aim of “reporting and putting pressure on them to return to the residential market.”

“Behind every tourist apartment there is a stolen home, one less family, a closed business and a lot, a lot of money obtained illicitly,” they protest from the statement to encourage the population to point out the illegal apartments and start this campaign that will give the first step this June 23.

By Diego Alonso

12:28 p.m.

The comuns believe that the financing system has expired for all communities and asks for more fiscal autonomy for Catalonia

Aina Vidal, deputy for Sumar and spokesperson for the commons in the Congress of Deputies, stated this Tuesday that a reform of regional financing is necessary because the model has been “expired” since 2014 for all communities, but she has specifically requested greater fiscal autonomy for Catalonia.

After ERC has proposed a change in the financing system for Catalonia in the first conversations with the PSC for the investiture of Salvador Illa, the comuns have recognized this Tuesday that there is a problem with financing for Catalonia.

“We defend a singular system and this is absolutely compatible with financing being addressed for all communities and there being a shared future model. We have always said it. The model is based on respect for the principle of orderability, co-responsibility for what we contribute and receive, and more fiscal autonomy,” he said at a press conference in Congress.

By Alberto Ortiz

11:42 a.m.

Podemos says that the debate on financing in Catalonia cannot be an “exchange of stickers” for an investiture

Podemos has criticized that the debate on financing in Catalonia has become an “exchange of stickers” around the inauguration of the new Government. “The debate on financing for Catalonia cannot be an exchange of stickers at an investiture; It has to be an absolutely strategic debate for the country,” said the party’s general secretary at a press conference in the Congress of Deputies.

Belarra has thus reacted to the debate on the financing of Catalonia that is marking the first negotiations between the PSC and ERC regarding a possible investiture of Salvador Illa. “Approaching it as a trading card is a mistake. We have to have a national debate on the financing of the autonomous communities”, he said, while he has opted to increase the “income floor”.

By Alberto Ortiz

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