The Salamanca Cancer Research Center organizes the Cicero Itinerary to address the challenges of cancer research and its medical application. It will be on May 13, at the CIC itself, with the aim of enhancing the contribution of science and innovation in solving health challenges aligned with the European objective of Strategic Autonomy and linked on this occasion to cancer care.

The event will be attended by institutional representatives, scientific societies, foundations related to the R&D&I system of our country and patient representatives. The objective is to create a forum to assess and discern improvement mechanisms that favor innovation in the area of ​​cancer and its rapid transfer to the business and healthcare sector. Attendees will also be able to learn up close about translational research projects in the area of ​​cancer that are being developed both at the Salamanca Cancer Research Center and in other CSIC groups belonging to the Conexión-Cáncer. The exhibition of these projects has been included in the program due to their great potential to be applied in clinical cancer care.

Throughout the day, two scientific sessions will be held, which will be moderated by Eugenio Santos, former director of the CIC and emeritus professor at the University of Salamanca, and Esther Castellano, senior scientist at the CIC’s CSIC. In these sessions, ongoing research that is being carried out in CSIC centers in the area of ​​cancer and that has high translational potential will be presented. In addition, two round tables will be held on this day. In the first of them, which will be moderated by Ángela Nieto and How to promote innovation in the academic field: an institutional vision, scientific foundations and scientific personnel). The second panel, which will be moderated by professors José M. Gutiérrez (president of the GADEA Foundation) and Gema Moreno-Bueno (professor at the UAM and researcher at the MD Anderson Center and the Biomedical Research Institute of Madrid), will focus on how optimize the transfer of said innovation in cancer quickly to patients (How to enhance the rapid transfer of knowledge to clinical practice: scientific and legal aspects). Both tables will be open to participation and suggestions from the audience.

For attendees who wish, this day will be completed with a visit to various CIC facilities to see first-hand its facilities, some of its technical units and its diagnostic services that serve as an example of the capacity that the CIC centers have. CSIC to impact society as a whole and, in particular, cancer patients.

The Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) launched the Cicero Itineraries program in 2023. This program is an initiative of the Presidency of the Higher Council for Scientific Research, which has the support of the General CSIC Foundation, and consists of a series of thematic conferences in which politicians, businessmen and journalists are invited to visit the CSIC. and learn about their research around a social challenge. The global objective is to enhance the contribution of science and innovation in solving challenges linked to health, digital, food and energy. Within each of them, specific topics of interest have been selected; the Cancer Research Center will address cancer.

The CSIC is the seventh public research institution in the world and the first in Spain. The CSIC has great potential to research content that can solve, thanks to scientific evidence, major social and economic challenges of society, which are a key tool to achieve the objective of Strategic Autonomy of the European Union.

The event will be attended by institutional representatives, scientific societies, foundations related to the R&D&I system of our country and patient representatives. The objective is to create a forum to assess and discern improvement mechanisms that favor innovation in the area of ​​cancer and its rapid transfer to the business and healthcare sector. Attendees will also be able to learn up close about translational research projects in the area of ​​cancer that are being developed both at the Salamanca Cancer Research Center and in other CSIC groups belonging to the Conexión-Cáncer. The exhibition of these projects has been included in the program due to their great potential to be applied in clinical cancer care.

Two scientific sessions

Throughout the day, two scientific sessions will be held, which will be moderated by Eugenio Santos, former director of the CIC and emeritus professor at the University of Salamanca, and Esther Castellano, senior scientist at the CIC’s CSIC. In these sessions, ongoing research that is being carried out in CSIC centers in the area of ​​cancer and that has high translational potential will be presented.

In addition, two round tables will be held on this day. In the first of them, which will be moderated by Ángela Nieto and How to promote innovation in the academic field: an institutional vision, scientific foundations and scientific personnel). The second panel, which will be moderated by professors José M. Gutiérrez (president of the GADEA Foundation) and Gema Moreno-Bueno (professor at the UAM and researcher at the MD Anderson Center and the Biomedical Research Institute of Madrid), will focus on how optimize the transfer of said innovation in cancer quickly to patients (How to enhance the rapid transfer of knowledge to clinical practice: scientific and legal aspects). Both tables will be open to participation and suggestions from the audience.

For attendees who wish, this day will be completed with a visit to various CIC facilities to see first-hand its facilities, some of its technical units and its diagnostic services that serve as an example of the capacity that the CIC centers have. CSIC to impact society as a whole and, in particular, cancer patients.

The Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) launched the Cicero Itineraries program in 2023. This program is an initiative of the Presidency of the Higher Council for Scientific Research, which has the support of the General CSIC Foundation, and consists of a series of thematic conferences in which politicians, businessmen and journalists are invited to visit the CSIC. and learn about their research around a social challenge. The global objective is to enhance the contribution of science and innovation in solving challenges linked to health, digital, food and energy. Within each of them, specific topics of interest have been selected; the Cancer Research Center will address cancer.

The CSIC is the seventh public research institution in the world and the first in Spain. The CSIC has great potential to research content that can solve, thanks to scientific evidence, major social and economic challenges of society, which are a key tool to achieve the objective of Strategic Autonomy of the European Union.

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