Tuesday, June 4, 2024, 3:47 p.m.

The spokesperson for the Government of the Junta de Andalucía, Ramón Fernández Pacheco, assured Satse, CCOO, UGT and CSIF this Tuesday that the “urgent” meeting that they have requested from the Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs to “try to reverse the situation of failure to comply with the Primary Care and professional career agreement and the dismissal of thousands of temporary workers who put the care coverage of the Andalusian Health Service at risk” will occur “as quickly as possible.”

In the press conference after the Government Council, Fernández Pacheco maintained that the Andalusian Government “as it always does, will maintain dialogue with the union platforms. That is a hallmark of this Government that applies to all departments. I insist: if what they want is an urgent meeting, let no one have any doubts that there will be a meeting.

The unions Satse, CSIF, CCOO and UGT have requested this Tuesday an “urgent” meeting with the Minister of Health and Consumer Affairs, Catalina García, to “try to reverse the situation of non-compliance with the Primary Care and professional career agreement and the dismissal of thousands of eventualities that put the care coverage of the Andalusian Health Service at risk. The four unions even issue a warning: “The lack of real and effective negotiation creates the appropriate situation for the call of even a strike of the entire public health system in Andalusia that we do not rule out.”

“The non-renewal of more than 5,000 professionals and the absolute lack of replacements that are being implemented in the centers is absolutely intolerable and a risk for the public health system,” the unions criticized in a joint press release. To this we must add – they continue – “the sloppiness in the stock market valuation, which will cause irreparable damage to thousands of professionals.”

The combination of the “non-compliance” of agreements due to a “political decision” – agreements that entail improvements in care for citizens and for professionals, they recall -, the “destruction” of public employment, the “lack of information” and “the lack of Real and effective negotiations create the appropriate situation for calling even a strike by the entire public health system in Andalusia, which we do not rule out.

In the opinion of the unions, given that the Ministry of Health “has violated” the Sectoral Table by “political decision”, the “problem generated by the Ministry must be solved by the Ministry” and, therefore, they have requested the appointment at the political level because it is where the decisions that block collective bargaining and compliance with the Primary Care Pact and professional career are found.

From the Andalusian Health Service (SAS) they have explained to Europa Press that “currently, we are in the process of stabilizing the workforce through transfer competitions and the different Public Employment Offers (OEP), both ordinary and extraordinary – -by competition and competitive examination–, so a high mobility is foreseeable until the end of the year due to the takeovers of the permanent staff who join with the objective of having 94% of the permanent staff. In the case of specialist physicians (FEA), this situation is more significant, which is why it has been decided to give them stability until the end of the year with six-month appointments and, from there, fill the vacancies.

Regarding hiring, last week the Board asked the unions to “assess” the incorporation into the staff structure of the Andalusian Health Service (SAS) of 2,382 health workers, of which 2,177 are linked to the Pact for the Improvement of Primary Care ( come from the old Covid reinforcements) and another 205 will be incorporated to manage the new technological equipment that Andalusia has acquired in recent years.

The incorporation of the 2,382 professionals into the SAS structure will cost more than 147 million euros, recalled Catalina García, for whom “I know that there is still a lot to do, but we are on the right track.” At this point, the Board pointed out that, since 2018, the Andalusian public health system has “25,000 more professionals” whose salaries have been “improved” after three agreements at the Sectorial Table worth more than 330 million euros. .

The Andalusian Government also stressed that “we continue working” so that 3,175 professionals, also from former Covid reinforcements, “are also part of the SAS.” At the moment, these 3,175 toilets are going to be renewed until next September 30. He recalled that the “majority” of Spain’s health services “have been firing” the health workers who were reinforcing the pandemic, workers who “came from the time when the Government of Spain put money on the table for only two years.” . In the end, we have had to assume all the autonomous communities that expense.

Of the 2,382 professionals, 2,177 places will be for hospital care (doctors) and for the Pact for the Improvement of Primary Care, as well as the aforementioned 205 for technological equipment. Of the 2,177 places, 349 will be allocated to the hospital setting and 1,828 for the improvement of Primary Care. With this expansion, the 789 positions in group A1 (faculty) are consolidated: 349 hospital doctors and 440 family doctors for Primary Care. Furthermore, these places will be allocated, especially, to areas that are difficult to cover. Likewise, 977 professionals from group A2 join, including 493 nurses, 285 physiotherapists, 100 occupational therapists, 75 speech therapists and 24 social workers. And, finally, 411 positions in group C1 (administrative) are expanded.

Of the 493 nurses, 411 will enter as family and community specialist nurses and 82 case manager nurses. In addition, of the 205 staff for managing technological equipment, professionals include the categories of doctors (20), nurses (38), senior health technicians (131) and other categories, such as guards or administrative staff (16).

The Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs recently informed the Government Council of the renewal between June 1 and September 30 of 3,175 professionals, former Covid reinforcements, who, from now on, will have an appointment linked to the needs of the health system public of Andalusia, which is why they are no longer called Covid reinforcement. Likewise, the rest of the professionals from the old Covid reinforcement (1,588) will also cover the needs of the system – Summer Plan, maternity leave, temporary disability leaves or High Frequency Plan, among others -, and They will be offered, as always through the Stock Exchange, new positions starting in the coming weeks. Thus, the 6,940 Covid reinforcement professionals who fulfill their contract as of May 31 of this year will continue in the public health system of Andalusia.

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