Tag: vaping


VAPING ALICANTE | Teens who vape are at risk of lung cancer by age 30

The new products from tobacco and vaping are gaining ground among adolescents from 12 to…

Oncologists warn that vaping can cause lung cancer “even with a shorter exposure time” than tobacco

Patricia Martin Madrid 05/30/2024 at 1:16 p.m. CEST In the collective imagination the idea persists…

Oncologists warn that vaping can cause lung cancer “even with a shorter exposure time” than tobacco

In the collective imagination the idea persists that vape It is healthier than smoking conventional…

Colombian League against Cancer warns of consequences for the use of vaping devices

The Colombian League against Cancer launched the campaign 'Stop vaping, your health is not a…

Alternatives to cigarettes like vaping are dangerous

Mariano Provencio and Charo García Campelo. CESAR QUIAN The expert, a reference in lung cancer,…

Vaping also harms health

The use of electronic cigarettes is commonly called 'vaping' ('vaping', 'vaporear', 'vaping'). Although these devices…

Vaping could cause lung cancer in 15 years

New tobacco products such as vaping are increasingly gaining ground among adolescents between 13 and…

Today’s teens could get cancer at 30 if they continue vaping

Europa Press 05/21/2024 3:12 p.m. The serious consequences of vaping in adolescenceScientific evidence shows that…