Tag: Tobacco


Tobacco, a threat to oral health: advice and prevention from the dental office

Analytical Cookies: Analytical cookies help website owners understand how visitors interact with websites by collecting…

These are the other tumors related to tobacco

He smoking It is an addiction that is currently considered a chronic disease. It is…

These are the other tumors related to tobacco

05/31/2024 at 04:01 CEST He smoking It is an addiction that is currently considered a…

These are the other tumors related to tobacco

He smoking It is an addiction that is currently considered a chronic disease. It is…

Oncologists warn that vaping can cause lung cancer “even with a shorter exposure time” than tobacco

Patricia Martin Madrid 05/30/2024 at 1:16 p.m. CEST In the collective imagination the idea persists…

Oncologists warn that vaping can cause lung cancer “even with a shorter exposure time” than tobacco

In the collective imagination the idea persists that vape It is healthier than smoking conventional…

Salud celebrates World No Tobacco Day, which this year focuses on the protection of young people

On the occasion of World No Tobacco Day, celebrated by the WHO on May 31,…

Salud celebrates World No Tobacco Day, which this year focuses on the protection of young people

On the occasion of World No Tobacco Day, celebrated by the WHO on May 31,…