Tag: time


This way you can detect in time the most aggressive cancer that continues to increase in Spain

06/03/2024 Act. at 1:57 p.m. CEST Every year, with the arrival of good weather, dermatology…

This way you can detect in time the most aggressive cancer that continues to increase in Spain

Every year, with the arrival of good weather, dermatology specialists remember the importance of protecting…

They detected lymphatic cancer. “Every time she gave me chemo, she stopped kicking.”

>THE NATION>lifestyleMay 31, 202402:19HearAgustina Iparraguirre was 23 years old when she became pregnant. She had…

Oncologists warn that vaping can cause lung cancer “even with a shorter exposure time” than tobacco

Patricia Martin Madrid 05/30/2024 at 1:16 p.m. CEST In the collective imagination the idea persists…

Oncologists warn that vaping can cause lung cancer “even with a shorter exposure time” than tobacco

In the collective imagination the idea persists that vape It is healthier than smoking conventional…

«There is still time, but we are on the right track in curing cancer»

Wednesday, May 22, 2024, 07:21 Doctor in Chemistry from the UR since 2001, with postdoctoral…