Tag: time


What do blood pressure pills do and when is the best time to take them?

Your doctor prescribed you pills for high blood pressure but you hesitate to take them…

It’s time to adapt our nutrition to the change in habits that come with summer

There is a discipline called chrononutrition which seeks to synchronize the diet with biological cycles…

Visual health in summer and the importance of taking care of our eyes especially during this time

Important recommendations related to the sun, chlorine, and the use of contact lenses in summer…

Does snacking between meals affect your health? Find out what is the best time to do it

Snacking between meals – whether in an “organized” way, as a mid-morning snack and afternoon…

What time should you go to sleep to preserve mental health?

People who tend to sleep late are considered "owls." Those who get up early are…

Health Elche Travalón | A new health center for Elche that has been a long time coming

The care pressure from the health center Altabix It has been evident for quite some…

Health activates the plan against heat, which this summer will warn for the first time about air pollution

The Government of Navarra, through the Department of Health, has activated the Plan for the…

Health activates the plan against heat, which this summer will warn for the first time about air pollution

Last year, 92 cases of heat-related pathology were reported, of which six required hospitalization. PAMPLONA,…

Health activates the plan against heat, which this summer will warn for the first time about air pollution

The Government of Navarra, through the Department of Health, has activated the Plan for the…