Tag: science


Studies in computer science, health and engineering present the best data for job placement

The CYD Foundation, dedicated to promoting the contribution of universities to economic and social development,…

Science sends reinforcements to immunotherapy to annihilate cancer | Health & Wellness

Immunotherapy has revolutionized the fight against cancer, winning unthinkable battles and rescuing almost hopeless people…

Marina Pollán, epidemiologist: “Smoking must be prohibited on bar terraces now” | Science

The epidemiologist Marina Pollán is promoting one of the largest studies in history in Spain:…

Science tries to reveal the mysteries of chills | Health & Wellness

It usually happens when a song or a movie strikes a chord with us. Also…

This is the future therapy against incurable tumors that Spanish hospitals are already testing | Science

For a few years now, talking about miraculous cures in cancer has not only been…

This is the future therapy against incurable tumors that Spanish hospitals are already testing | Science

For a few years now, talking about miraculous cures in cancer has not only been…

Kevin Harrington, oncologist: “Conjugated drugs are going to forever change our ability to kill cancer cells” | Science

Oncologist Kevin Harrington (London, 61 years old) has spent decades facing a little-known enemy that…

Ozempic: Diabetes drug is emerging as miraculous against cancer, dementia and other diseases | Wegovy | Diabetes | SCIENCE

The semaglutidethe drug to treat diabetes that has caused a sensation in the United States…