Tag: reveals


Grettell Valdez reveals if she remains cancer-free two years after amputating part of her finger

Then, she managed to eradicate the disease thanks to having the wart with the tumor…

A study reveals which molecules make us live longer and gives 5 tips to modify them

What molecules in the body determine how long and how healthy the birth process will…

A UA survey reveals that 50% of women wait until they have serious health symptoms to go to the doctor

Half of the participants in the survey “Health and women”, directed by the professor of…

Ryne Sandberg reveals that she no longer has signs of cancer

Ryne Sandberg reveals that she no longer has signs of cancer ","providerName":"Instagram","providerUrl":"https://www.instagram.com/","thumbnail_url":"https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.29350-15/ 445285249_912788013937296_4235353471548749262_n.jpg?stp=dst-jpg_e35_p640x640_sh0.08&_nc_ht=scontent.cdninstagram.com&_nc_cat=100&_nc_ohc=aLwIyH8JzWgQ7k NvgEX-3xY&edm=AMO9-JQAAAAA&ccb=7-5&oh=00_AYA9eS0DSi1fL2E6BgfHiA3NuAwBrXpJCPM5jJNu8Ax70Q&oe=664D61EE&_nc_sid=cc8940","type":"oembed","width" :658,"contentType":"rich"},{"__typename":"Markdown","content":"“After…