Tag: Pseudotherapies


A list of pseudotherapies that ranges from homeopathy to pilates to acupuncture

Los ministerios de Sanidad y Ciencia tienen bajo sospecha hasta 67 las prácticas terapĂ©uticas con…

A list of pseudotherapies that ranges from homeopathy to pilates to acupuncture

The ministries of Health and Science have under suspicion up to 67 practices therapeutic with…

A list of pseudotherapies that ranges from homeopathy to pilates to acupuncture

The ministries of Health and Science have under suspicion up to 67 practicestherapeutic with little…

A list of pseudotherapies that ranges from homeopathy to pilates to acupuncture

The ministries of Health and Science have under suspicion up to 67 practicestherapeutic with little…

A list of pseudotherapies that ranges from homeopathy to pilates to acupuncture

The ministries of Health and Science have under suspicion up to 67 practicestherapeutic with little…

Pseudotherapies, a public health problem – Society

At least half a million people trust pseudosciences and pseudotherapies in our country. They are…