Tag: list


A list of pseudotherapies that ranges from homeopathy to pilates to acupuncture

Los ministerios de Sanidad y Ciencia tienen bajo sospecha hasta 67 las prácticas terapéuticas con…

A list of pseudotherapies that ranges from homeopathy to pilates to acupuncture

The ministries of Health and Science have under suspicion up to 67 practices therapeutic with…

A list of pseudotherapies that ranges from homeopathy to pilates to acupuncture

The ministries of Health and Science have under suspicion up to 67 practicestherapeutic with little…

A list of pseudotherapies that ranges from homeopathy to pilates to acupuncture

The ministries of Health and Science have under suspicion up to 67 practicestherapeutic with little…

A list of pseudotherapies that ranges from homeopathy to pilates to acupuncture

The ministries of Health and Science have under suspicion up to 67 practicestherapeutic with little…

Health announces a 15.4% reduction in the late surgical waiting list in Andalusia compared to 2023

SEVILLE, June 11 (EUROPA PRESS) - The Minister of Health and Consumer Affairs of the…

Health announces a 15.4% reduction in the late surgical waiting list in Andalusia compared to 2023

The Minister of Health and Consumer Affairs of the Government of Andalusia, Catalina García, announced…

the waiting list of the Catalan health system

Almirall, Esteve, Ferrer, Grifols, Reig Jofre or Uriach They are some of the pharmaceutical and…

A list of foods that will help you reduce hypertension naturally

Milenka Duarte/El Comercio GDAThe hypertension, commonly known as high blood pressure, is one of the…

The WHO updates the list of drug-resistant bacteria most dangerous to human health

The World Health Organization (WHO) today publishes its new list of priority bacterial pathogens for…