Tag: kidney


KIDNEY CANCER | Only two treatments recommended by Europe have financing in Spain

The delay in access to innovative drugs in oncology in Spain, compared to Europe, worries…

World Kidney Cancer Day: 4 daily habits to prevent this silent disease that does not present initial symptoms

Renal cell carcinoma, also known as renal cell cancer or renal cell adenocarcinoma, is the…

We don’t know if the ink reaches the kidney, liver or lungs.

Christel Nielsen, head of the environmental epidemiology group at Lund University. Christel Nielsen found a…

★ Early intervention in chronic kidney disease could save four European healthcare systems up to €15.8 billion over 10 years1

New analysis of a mathematical model by AstraZeneca, IMPACT CKD, suggests that healthcare systems in…

Metabolic disorders, kidney failure, urinary infection: this is how the heat triggers hospitalizations | Climate and Environment

Episodes of strong heat trigger hospitalizations. The most affected are those over 85 years of…

The impact of summer heat increases hospital admissions in Spain for diabetes, obesity and kidney failure

The ISGlobal research included data from more than 11.2 million hospital admissions between 2006 and…

The increase in mortality from kidney disease associated with diabetes is worrying

Over the past twenty years, overall mortality rates from diabetes in the American continent have…